Epic Marketing Coding Test

Thank you for applying to Epic Marketing! Please create a fork of this repo and complete the following tasks. Please do not spend more then 3-4 hours on this task. If you are not able to complete the task in the assigned time please send what you have.


  • Gulp
  • Node v10.16.0
  • NPM v6.9.0


Your task is to program the Contact Form and Location section from this design comp: https://xd.adobe.com/view/ededf3a0-40f0-4305-b340-a0e4fc891519-b8be/grid.

We have provided a starter WordPress site that has the header and footer already complete.

Get Started:

  1. Create a new MySql Database.
  2. Import the .sql file into your new local database.
  3. Create a wp-config.php file with your database credentials
  4. Navigate to epicvue/wp-content/themes/epicvue and run npm install
  5. Start Browsersync by running npm start or do a on-demand compile of your SASS with npm run build

There is already a admin account set up that you can use to sign into the CMS:

Username: epic

Password: EpicProgrammers

Please let us know if you have any issues getting set up.

Dev Requirements

You must:

  • Use Advanced Custom Fields
  • Create a Custom Post Type for your Locations.
  • Use Bootstrap as the CSS framework

Note: For the different tab views, you can just use the same contact form multiple times.


When you are done, please email us a public repo link with your code. Your repo should have both your code and your exported database