Food Catalog Microsoft Graph connector

Sample project that uses Teams Toolkit to simplify the process of creating a Microsoft Graph connector that pushes data from a custom API to Microsoft Graph and includes the simplified admin experience.

Sample data is taken from Open Food Facts API.


Get started

1. Project setup

  • Clone repo
  • Open repo in VSCode
  • Press F5, follow the sign in prompts
  • Wait for all task to complete

2. Enable Graph connector

  • In a web browser, navigate to the Microsoft Teams Admin Center
  • Open the Manage apps section
  • In the table displaying All apps, search for Foodsie-local
  • Select the app in the table to open the app details page
  • Select Publish and confirm the prompt. You will been taken back to the All apps page and a confirmation banner will be displayed
  • Search for Foodsie-local and open the app details page
  • Select the Graph Connector tab
  • A banner will be displayed. Click Grant permissions, this will open a permissions consent page in a pop-up window. Confirm the permissions. This will automatically toggle the connection status to on and start the setup process which includes:
    • creating an external connection
    • provisioning the schema
    • importing external content

The process will take several minutes in total. During this time you may see an error message on this page, however this can be ignored and you can refresh the page to check on the status.

TIP: To monitor the activity, in Visual Studio Code, check out the output of the func: host start task. You'll see the status of the different activities as they are completed.

When the process is complete you will see a table confirming that the connection has been successful.

Connection name Experiences Connection status
foodstore Microsoft Search ✅ Success

3. Include data in results

4. Refresh the Result Type template

There is a known issue whereby applying a result type programmatically results in an empty adaptive card, so we need to apply the card in the user interface

  • In Visual Studio Code, open the resultType.json file and copy its contents to clipboard (CTRL+A then CTRL+C on Windows, CMD+A then CMD+C on Mac)
  • In the web browser, in the Microsoft 365 admin center, navigate to the Settings > Search & Intelligence area
  • Activate the Customizations tab
  • Select the Result Types page
  • Select the foodstore row to open the side panel with additional information
  • Under the Result Layout section, select Edit
  • In the Paste the JSON script that you created with Layout Designer field, paste the contents of the clipboard (CTRL+V on Windows, CMD+V on Mac)
  • Confirm the changes by selecting Next
  • Confirm the changes by selecting Update Result Type
  • Close the dialog by selecting Done
  • Wait a few minutes for the changes to be applied

5. Test search

  • Navigate to
  • Enter sweets into the search bar
  • Items will be shown from the data ingested by the Graph connector in the search results.


System diagram

title System Context diagram for a Food Products DB connector
Person(admin, "Microsoft 365 admin", "Manages Microsoft 365 configuration")
Person(user, "Microsoft 365 user")
Boundary(bM365, "Microsoft Cloud") {
    System(microsoft365, "Microsoft 365")
    System(connector, "Food Products DB connector", "Microsoft Graph connector")

Boundary(bLOB, "Line of Business") {
    System_Ext(externalContent, "Food Products DB", "Contains information about food products")

Rel(admin, microsoft365, "Manages the Microsoft Graph connector")
UpdateRelStyle(admin, microsoft365, $offsetX="-225", $offsetY="-40")
Rel(user, microsoft365, "Uses Microsoft 365 to find relevant information")
UpdateRelStyle(user, microsoft365, $offsetX="80", $offsetY="-40")
Rel(connector, externalContent, "Imports data from")
UpdateRelStyle(connector, externalContent, $offsetY="10", $offsetX="-30")
Rel(connector, microsoft365, "Imports data to")
UpdateRelStyle(connector, microsoft365, $offsetY="10", $offsetX="-40")

Container diagram for Food Products DB connector

title Container diagram for Food Products DB connector
Person(admin, "Microsoft 365 admin", "Manages Microsoft 365 configuration")
System(microsoft365, "Microsoft 365")
System_Ext(externalContent, "Food Products DB", "Contains information about food products")

Boundary(c1, "Food Products DB connector") {
    Container(api, "HTTP functions", "HTTP-triggered Azure Functions")
    Container(fnTimer, "Timer functions", "Timer-triggered Azure Functions", "Trigger crawl and cleanup on schedule")
    Container(fnQueue, "Queue functions", "Queue-triggered Azure Functions", "Manage external connection and -content")
    ContainerDb(table, "Database", "Azure Table Storage", "Stores ingestion state")
    ContainerQueue(queue, "Queues", "Azure Queue Storage", "Configuration- and crawl messages")

Rel(admin, microsoft365, "Toggles Microsoft Graph connector status", "Teams Admin Center")
UpdateRelStyle(admin, microsoft365, $offsetY="10", $offsetX="-55")
Rel(microsoft365, api, "Sends connector status notification", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(microsoft365, api, $offsetX="-170")
Rel(api, queue, "Enqueues messages", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(api, queue, $offsetX="-130")
Rel(queue, fnQueue, "Triggers", "binding")
UpdateRelStyle(queue, fnQueue, $offsetX="10")
Rel(fnQueue, externalContent, "Reads products information", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(fnQueue, externalContent, $offsetX="10", $offsetY="-10")
Rel(fnQueue, microsoft365, "Manages connection and data", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(fnQueue, microsoft365, $offsetX="-180", $offsetY="-30")
Rel(fnTimer, queue, "Enqueues messages", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(fnTimer, queue, $offsetX="-70", $offsetY="-20")
Rel(fnQueue, table, "Reads and writes data", "HTTP")
UpdateRelStyle(fnQueue, table, $offsetX="-60", $offsetY="20")

Activating connector

  actor Admin
  participant TAC
  participant Notification fn
  participant Connector q
  participant Connector fn
  participant Content q
  participant Microsoft Graph
  activate TAC
  activate Connector q
  activate Content q
  activate Microsoft Graph

  Admin->>TAC:Activate connector
  TAC->>Notification fn:Webhook(state)
  activate Notification fn
  Notification fn->>Connector q:message(create, id, ticket)
  Connector q-->>Notification fn:response(201 Created)
  Notification fn-->>TAC:response(202 Accepted)
  deactivate Notification fn

  alt message-create
    Connector q->>Connector fn:message(create, id, ticket)
    activate Connector fn
    Connector fn->>Microsoft Graph:createConnection(id, ticket, connectionInfo)
    Microsoft Graph-->>Connector fn:response(201 Created)
    Connector fn->>Microsoft Graph:createSchema(connectionId)
    Microsoft Graph-->>Connector fn:response(202 Accepted, location)
    Connector fn->>Connector q:message(status, location)
    Connector q-->>Connector fn:response(201 Created)
  else message-status
    Connector q->>Connector fn:message(status, location)
    Connector fn->>Microsoft Graph:operationStatus(location)
    Microsoft Graph-->>Connector fn:response(status)
    alt status-inprogress
      Connector fn->>Connector q:message(status, location, sleep-60s)
      Connector q-->>Connector fn:response(201 Created)
    else status-completed
      Connector fn->>Content q:message(crawl, full)
      Content q-->>Connector fn:response(201 Created)
    deactivate Connector fn
  deactivate Microsoft Graph
  deactivate Content q
  deactivate Connector q
  deactivate TAC

Deactivating connector

  actor Admin
  participant TAC
  participant Notification fn
  participant Connector q
  participant Connector fn
  participant Microsoft Graph
  activate TAC
  activate Connector q
  activate Microsoft Graph

  Admin->>TAC:Deactivate connector
  TAC->>Notification fn:Webhook(state)
  activate Notification fn
  Notification fn->>Connector q:message(delete)
  Connector q-->>Notification fn:response(201 Created)
  Notification fn-->>TAC:response(202 Accepted)
  deactivate Notification fn

  Connector q->>Connector fn:message(delete)
  activate Connector fn
  Connector fn->>Microsoft Graph:deleteConnection(id)
  Microsoft Graph-->>Connector fn:response(202 Accepted)
  deactivate Connector fn
  deactivate Microsoft Graph
  deactivate Connector q
  deactivate TAC

Scheduled crawl

Scheduled crawl can be either incremental crawl or removing items deleted from the external source.

  participant Timer
  participant Content timer fn
  participant Content q
  activate Timer
  activate Content q

  Timer->>Content timer fn:onTimer
  activate Content timer fn
  Content timer fn->>Content q:message(crawl, crawlType)
  Content q-->>Content timer fn:response(201 Created)
  deactivate Content timer fn

  deactivate Content q
  deactivate Timer

On-demand crawl

  actor User
  participant Content HTTP trigger fn
  participant Content q
  activate Content q

  User->>Content HTTP trigger fn:crawl(crawlType)
  activate Content HTTP trigger fn
  alt type-full
    Content HTTP trigger fn->>Content q:message(crawl, crawlType)
    Content q-->>Content HTTP trigger fn:response(201 Created)
    Content HTTP trigger fn-->>User:response(202 Accepted)
  else type-incremental
    Content HTTP trigger fn->>Content q:message(crawl, incremental)
    Content q-->>Content HTTP trigger fn:response(201 Created)
    Content HTTP trigger fn-->>User:response(202 Accepted)
  else type-removeDeleted
    Content HTTP trigger fn->>Content q:message(crawl, removeDeleted)
    Content q-->>Content HTTP trigger fn:response(201 Created)
    Content HTTP trigger fn-->>User:response(202 Accepted)
  else else
    Content HTTP trigger fn-->>User:response(400 Bad Request)  
  deactivate Content HTTP trigger fn
  deactivate Content q


  participant Content q
  participant Content fn
  participant State storage
  participant Microsoft Graph
  participant External content
  activate Content q
  activate State storage
  activate Microsoft Graph
  activate External content

  alt message-crawl
    Content q->>Content fn:message(crawl, crawlType)
    activate Content fn
    alt crawlType-full
      Content fn->>External content:getContent
      External content-->>Content fn:content
    else crawlType-incremental
      Content fn->>State storage:getLatestItemDate
      State storage-->>Content fn:response(latestItemDate)
      Content fn->>External content:getContent(latestItemDate)
      External content-->>Content fn:content
    loop each content item
      Content fn->>Content q:message(item, update, itemId)
      Content q-->>Content fn:response(201 Created)
    deactivate Content fn
  else message-item
    Content q->>Content fn:message(item, update, itemId)
    activate Content fn
    Content fn->>External content:getContent(itemId)
    External content-->>Content fn:content(item)
    Content fn->>Content fn:transform(item)
    Content fn->>Microsoft Graph:PUT externalItem(item)
    Microsoft Graph-->>Content fn:response(200 OK)

    Content fn->>State storage:getLastModified
    State storage-->>Content fn:response(lastModifiedDate)

    alt lastModifiedDate<itemDate
      Content fn->>State storage:recordLastModified(itemDate)
      State storage-->>Content fn:response(204 No Content)
    deactivate Content fn
  deactivate External content
  deactivate Microsoft Graph
  deactivate Content q
  deactivate State storage

Removing deleted content

  participant Content q
  participant Content fn
  participant State storage
  participant Microsoft Graph
  participant External content
  activate Content q
  activate State storage
  activate Microsoft Graph
  activate External content

  alt message-crawl
    Content q->>Content fn:message(crawl, removeDeleted)
    activate Content fn
    Content fn->>State storage:getIngestedItems
    State storage-->>Content fn:response(ingestedItems)
    Content fn->>External content:getContent
    External content-->>Content fn:response(content)
    loop each ingested item
        alt ingested item not in content
          Content fn->>Content q:message(item, delete, itemId)
          Content q-->>Content fn:response(201 Created)
    deactivate Content fn

  alt message-item
    Content q->>Content fn:message(item, delete, itemId)

    Content fn->>Microsoft Graph:DELETE externalItem(itemId)
    Microsoft Graph-->>Content fn:response(204 No Content)

    Content fn->>State storage:removeIngestedItem(itemId)
    State storage-->>Content fn:response(204 No Content)
  deactivate External content
  deactivate Microsoft Graph
  deactivate Content q
  deactivate State storage

Test function

  • Go to Start local tunnel terminal window to discover forwarding URL e.g. https://<tunnelid>-7071.<region>
  • curl https://<tunnelid>-7071.<region>

Products API

Get products

GET /api/products

Get product

GET /api/product/{id}

Create product

POST /api/products

{"product_name":"New product"}

Update product

PATCH /api/products/{id}

{"product_name":"Updated product name"}

Delete product

DELETE /api/products/{id}