
JavaScript localization management made easy.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

./build - build.js: Ant scripts to deploy the web app to Jaxer and create Persevere DB instance.
./conf	 - CKTrans.confApps.js: Application configuration file for Jaxer.
			- persvr.js: JSON document scheme for persevere.
./css - Client stylesheet and images.

./js -  client.js: Client scripts.
		- config.js: Server configuration file.
		- proxy.js: Proxy functions for handling Ajax requests.
		- server-download.js: Server script implements the functionality of fetching language file.
		- shared.js: Bunch of utility functions shared by both server and proxy codes.

./lib - Libraries including:
			* jquery-in-place-editor (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-in-place-editor/)
			* JSON Diff (http://tlrobinson.net/projects/javascript-fun/jsondiff/)
			* JSON Path (http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/)

./index.html - Main page for display and update language entries.
./download.html - Service for downloading per language file.