
Texture applied 3D Avatar "Cursed Dog" based on webGL program, Computer Graphics, Arizona State University, 2021 Spring Semester

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Texture applied 3D Avatar "Cursed Dog" based on webGL program


This is a webGL program that animates 3D avatar on a planar ground surface. The avatar is texture mapped. The avatar will move-about and the movement is controlled by the hierarchical model. . The avatar will move around circle until the animate on/off toggle is selected.

The Hierarchy of the Avatar


  • Open 'Lee_hw4.html' file.

  • Press "Stop Animation" button to make the avatar freeze. Press "Start Animation" button to make the avatar start the animation.


Prof. Angel's codes. "figure", "shadedsphere1", and "textureCubev4" from the demo codes.