
A component way to integrate Redux an React, provides a easy way to make components depends on redux store structure, by creating it on-fly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A react/redux library to manage and organize redux's store attributes.


Every application tends to grow and one of many difficulties is to keep your code clean and organized; so it happens with Redux's store, as the store grows many attributes appears and it become hard to track to which domain or page they belong. Redux-in-place proposes to organize the store's attribute tree in a simple and understandable way.

How it works

Let's suppose that in the store we have an user that is authenticated who wants to buy some books. Store's properties would look like something like this.

  username: 'Foo',
  registrationDate: '2016-12-10',
  bookName: 'Last wish',
  author: 'Andrzej Sapkowski'

When those attributes grow will become harder and harder to assert to which domain those properties come from. With redux-in-place we could do:

  User: {
    username: 'Foo',
    registrationDate: '2016-12-10'
  Book: {
    name: 'Last wish',
    author: 'Andrzej Sapkowski' 

It becomes easier to read and to organize store's properties.

How to use

First of all

npm install redux-in-place --save

Then you user your redux like you normally would but instead of exporting it, you should connect your reduce with redux-in-place like this:

import { placeReducer } from 'redux-in-place';


const initialState = {
  name: '',
  author: '',

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => ({
    name: action.name,
    author: action.author,
}[action.type] || state);

export default placeReducer('Book', reducer);

Then in your React component:

import { connectReducer } from 'redux-in-place';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import bookReducer from './bookReducer';
//...code ommited for sake of simplicity
const ConnectedBook = connect(
  ({ Book }) => ({
    author: Book.author,
    name: Book.name

export default connectReducer(bookReducer)(ConnectedBook);

That's it, simple like that, now all your reducer properties will be on 'Book'.


@AntonioSchmidt - For all the help with this lib, the effort to make it open-source, document and help me with it testing and development. My sincere thank you!


Copyright (c) 2016 Gabriel Reitz Giannattasio Licensed under the MIT license.