
Collaborative Real-Time Coding in Java using the Fundies 2 Tester and Image libraries.

This project is not meant to be a replacement for Eclipse for use in Fundies 2. This would be a terrible replacement considering that it can't even run big bang or use the canvas in any way. It is however, a really easy way to share, save, and test simple programs.

How It Works

Built with ReactJS and Express, hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet. Uses Northeastern's Fundamentals of Computer Science 2 Java Tester and Image libraries.

Code is shared in "rooms" that can be joined or shared by URL. is used to create and connect these rooms. Changes to the code are broadcast to everyone in the room, and also stored in the backend, so you can leave and come back to the same code.

Code is sent as a POST request from the user's browser to the backend when they hit "Compile". The backend then writes the code to a file, compiles it with the Tester and Image libraries, runs it, then returns stdout.

Run Locally

git clone
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Note that the backend uses exec to run commands, this may cause problems when running on Mac or Linux, but it should be easy to spot and fix.


The backend can be accessed anywhere at


Request Body:

	fileName: String,
	examplesClasses: [List-of String],
	javaCode: String,
	roomId: String

Request Body Example:

	fileName: '',
	examplesClasses: ['ExamplesFoo'],
	javaCode: 'public class Foo { ... }',
	roomId: 'crunchy-pineapple-0115'

200 OK

Response Body:

	out: String

Example Response Body:

Code compiled and ran successfuly with Tester Library

	out: 'Tester Library 3.0 ...'

Code did not compile

	out: ' error: package tester does not exist...'

Execution timed out

	out: ''

429 Too Many Requests

The API is rate limited to 5 requests per minute. If for some reason you need to spam compilation faster than that, then either something is wrong with the way you code or you're trying to break my server - both call for some serious self reflection.

500 Internal Server Error

Something terribly terribly wrong has occurred. Shoot me an email so I can fix it.