
DiGGeR searches for Facebook posts that you kinda remember seeing before

Primary LanguageRuby


Finds Facebook posts that you kinda remember seeing before

This is a WIP, but essentially, I sometimes remember seeing a post from a friend on Facebook but have no idea how long ago it was. So the problem is that I have no way of finding this post.

DiGGer aims to solve that problem by providing a way to search through a users' posts and select those that match a given query.

Built with

  • Sinatra
  • MongoDB, for persisting users and their access tokens
  • Redis, for caching Facebook friends
  • Handlebars.js, for templating
  • jQuery
  • Sass, Bourbon & Neat for the UI

Lots of cool shit.


  • Write some tests. Pref MiniTest.
  • Check is Redis hash exists and action accordingly.
  • Style the Handlebars template.
  • Allow searching of multiple users.
  • Show some sort of spinner as searches can take a while.
  • Further lookback in history