
This app allows users to see recent data of the Mars rovers Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Functional Programming with Javascript

Student Instructions

Big Picture

You are going to create a Mars rover dashboard that consumes the NASA API. Your dashboard will allow the user to select which rover's information they want to view. Once they have selected a rover, they will be able to see the most recent images taken by that rover, as well as important information about the rover and its mission. Your app will make use of all the functional concepts and practices you have learned in this course, and the goal is that you would become very comfortable using pure functions and iterating over, reshaping, and accessing information from complex API responses.

Getting Started

We have supplied some of the foundational code for you. So follow these steps to get started:

  1. Check that the starter folder is present in />home>workspace>starter

  2. Next you'll need a NASA developer API key in order to access the API endpoints. To do that, go here: https://api.nasa.gov/. If you want to simply look around at what api endpoints NASA offers, you can use their provided DEMO_KEY to do this.

  3. In your repo, you will see a .env-example file with a place for your API key. Rename or copy the file to one called .env and enter in your key. Now that you have your key, just remember to add it as a parameter to every request you make to NASA.

  4. Run yarn install in your terminal and make sure no error occurs.

  5. In the terminal change directory into the 'starter' directory with the command 'cd starter', then run yarn start, and make sure no error occurs.

  6. Click the Preview button at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to open a new page that says "Loading..." If you don't see an image on the page, check that your API key is set up correctly.

  7. The Workspace should automatically save your update to the file. You can download the starter folder and upload it to your Github to commit frequently, use branches, and leave good commit messages! You'll thank yourself later.

  8. Before you submit go to the last Concept - Mars Dashboard and complete the Submission Checklist.

Project Requirements

To complete this project, your UI must show the following:

  • A gallery of the most recent images sent from each mars rover
  • The launch date, landing date, name and status along with any other information about the rover
  • A selection bar for the user to choose which rover's information they want to see

To complete this project, your UI must do the following:

  • Be responsive. Needs to look good(aka not broken) on phones(max width 768px) and desktop(min-width 991px, max-width 1824px). Tablet view is optional.
  • Provide a way to dynamically switch the UI to view one of the three rovers **This can be done using tabs, buttons, or any other UI control

To complete this project, your frontend code must:

  • Use only pure functions
  • Use at least one Higher Order Function
  • Use the array method map
  • Use the ImmutableJS library

To complete this project, your backend code must:

  • Be built with Node/Express
  • Make successful calls to the NASA API
  • Use pure functions to do any logic necessary
  • Hide any sensetive information from public view (In other words, use your dotenv file)

Above and Beyond

The NASA API has a lot more data to offer than what we are using here. There's no extra credit in this course, but it could be fun explore their API and see what they have to offer and what strikes your creativity to add into your project. You are not limited to the API calls we require. Look here (https://api.nasa.gov/ at the Browse API's section) to see all that's available.

Some ideas might be to incorporate the Astronomy Photo of the Day into your design, collect weather information on Mars, etc...


Create an image gallery slider, put a full page background image, code some falling asteroids with css animations ... the visual design of this UI is up to you! There is a lot of awesome dashboard design inspiration out there. You have already been given a good start with a mobile-first stylesheet already set up for you.