
collects and plots data on number of classified threads started per month

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Author: Gary Foreman
email: gforema2@illinois.edu
talkbass thread

Python Packages

  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • numpy
  • pyquery

R Libraries

  • forecast
  • ggplot2

If you wish to run this code make sure monthYearDicts.py, history.py, and plot.py are in the same directory. history.py imports monthYearDicts.py. Run by entering ./history.py at the command line, but beware, this code takes about a half hour to run. ./history.py will store the thread count data as a numpy array in a file called monthArray.npy, this way, you don't need to rerun the analysis each time you want to edit the plots. To generate the plots, run ./plot.py at the command line, and it will create two files thread_count_[FORUM].png and months_only_[FORUM].png. The thread_count plot contains the plot of the number of threads posted per month over the history of the talkbass classifieds. The months_only plot plots the number of basses sold each month summed over the years 2006-2013.

time_series_bass.R.ipynb is a Jupyter notebook containing R code for a time series analysis of the monthly talkbass counts data. If you wish to run any of the sells in this notebook, you'll need to perform the data scraping first. The data that is presented in the notebook is truncated after January 2016. The plotARIMA.R and plotValidation.R files contain helper function for the Jupyter notebook.