Rock Paper Scissors

Its my goto for learning something useful in a new language or framework.

Nothing about this repo is platform or language dependant. It mearly attempts to outline some goals associated with building a RPS game in a number of cohesive steps.


  1. Explore the Random Number Generator
  2. Select an answer using a Random Selection
  3. Build A RPS service that contains the rules for win, lose, and, draw
  4. Make a Bot that can play the game
  5. Make the bot smarter
  6. Build an interface for the game for a human

How to start

  1. Fork/Clone this repo
  2. Read the STEP_ONE file
  3. Try and build something by putting your code right in your fork and committing it
  4. If you get stuck Open and Issue on your fork and include @ninjapanzer in the issue somewhere

Some conventions

Being these instructions are language agnostic I will use some special characters to help illustrate variables you will have to assume for your work

  • < and > will surround text that describes the required info you will add yourself

  • [ and ] will surround text that describes optional information I will use these together. From time to time. Here is an example: [Pseudo]Random Lets say our language is Ruby we could expand this example to two statements Ruby PseudoRandom OR Ruby Random

  • => describes the results of an expression. Expressions are anything that does work from a = 1 to a.thing(b.anotherthing). I will use these characters to express what the results would be even though you will see no output

Somtimes the text inside these characters represents info only you know or the specific text. It is understandable that the only time variable text will be present is between the [ and ] as a literal of required text would not need to be outlined with < and >