
A Command Line Utility for Kafka (formerly kutils)

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

KCMD Readme

Command Line Utilities for Kafka written in Go, Provides common tools to analyze, display, find and copy messages in Kafka.



Finds records in a topic using CEL Expression Language (https://github.com/google/cel-spec) For a list of builtin functions (https://www.krakend.io/docs/enterprise/security-policies/built-in-functions/). Optionally can transform message from avro,json,protobuf and connect to schema-registry


Finds records in a topic matching a CEL Expression
including values in Key, Value, Offset, Timestamp and Headers

Searches key, value and header values

  kcmd find [flags]

  -a, --apikey string       APIKey (sasl.username)
  -b, --bootstrap string    Bootstrap Server (bootstrap.server)
  -e, --expression string   Regular Expression for match
  -h, --help                help for find
  -i, --input string        Input Format (string,json,avro)
      --offset-timestamp string   Offset Timestamp in RFC3339 format 2023-10-10T00:00:00Z  
  -o, --output string       Type of output (json,table,key-value)
  -k, --secretkey string    SecretKey (sasl.password)
  -p, --sr-pass string      Schema Registry Password
  -s, --sr-url string       Url of Schema Registry
  -u, --sr-user string      Schema Registry Username
  -t, --topic string        Topic Name


#Find Topics matching a value input of string
./kcmd find -b <bootstrap-url> \
              -t datagen-topic \
              -e "offset > 10000 && offset < 10010" \ 
              -o json

#Find value of message using avro format and schema registry
# All inputs of avro are treated as strings just parsed to json 
./kcmd find -b <bootstrap-url> \
              -a <apiKey> \
              -k <secretKey> \
              -t datagen-topic \ 
              -e "offset > 1000 && offset < 1010 " \
              -o json \
              -i avro \ 
              -s <schema-registry-url> \
              -u <schema-registry-apikey> \ 
              -p <schema-registry-secretKey>\
              -X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
              -X security.protocol=SASL_SSL

Example with Complex Expression

    "key": "ZVZZT",
    "value": {
      "account": "ABC123",
      "price": 976,
      "quantity": 3881,
      "side": "BUY",
      "symbol": "ZVZZT",
      "userid": "User_6"
    "timestamp": "2023-10-19T16:44:35.214-04:00",
    "partition": 2,
    "offset": 247283,
    "headers": [
        "key": "task.generation",
        "value": "0"
        "key": "task.id",
        "value": "0"
        "key": "current.iteration",
        "value": "432201"


# Complex Filter using Boolean Query
  kcmd find -b localhost:9092 \
-e "value.quantity == 3881 && value.symbol == 'ZVZZT' && value.userid == 'User_6'"


Function finds messages based on regular expressions. Searches across key, value, message headers Supports json,avro,string


kcmd grep [flags]

-a, --apikey string       Optional: APIKey (sasl.username)
-b, --bootstrap string    Bootstrap Server (bootstrap.server)
-e, --expression string   Required: CEL expression for match
-h, --help                help for grep
-i, --input string        Input Format (string[default],json,avro,proto[Not Implemented])
    --offset-timestamp string   Offset Timestamp in RFC3339 format 2023-10-10T00:00:00Z
-o, --output string       Type of output (json,table, value[default])
-k, --secretkey string    Optional: SecretKey (sasl.password)
-p, --sr-pass string      Optional: Schema Registry Password
-s, --sr-url string       Optional: Url of Schema Registry
-u, --sr-user string      Optional: Schema Registry Username
-t, --topic string        Required: Topic Name


# Finds a string matching 4164
./kcmd grep -b localhost:9092 -e 4164


Copy messages from one topic to another.
        Optionally filter messages before copying.

  kcmd copy [flags]

      --c-config string       Path To Consumer Config
  -c, --continuous            Run Command Continously
      --filter string         Filter applied to input topic to filter messages
  -h, --help                  help for copy
  -I, --iarg stringArray      Pass optional Arguments. iargs are passed as -I key=value -X key=value
      --input-bs string       Input Bootstrap Url
      --input-format string   Input format(json,avro,string) - Used to deserialize messages for expression
      --input-topic string    Input Topic 
      --offset-timestamp string   Offset Timestamp in RFC3339 format 2023-10-10T00:00:00Z      
  -O, --oarg stringArray      Pass optional Arguments. oargs are passed as -O key=value -X key=value
      --output-bs string      Output Bootstrap Url
      --output-topic string   Output Topic Name
      --p-config string       Path To Producer Config
      --sr-pass string        Schema Registry Password
      --sr-url string         Schema Registry Url
      --sr-user string        Schema Registry User


# Simple Copy Command
./kcmd copy --input-bs localhost:19092 --output-bs localhost:19092 --input-topic twitter-connect-configs --output-topic twitter-connect-offsets

#Continous Copy messages -c|--continuous true will enable consumer keep consuming until closed
./kcmd copy --input-bs localhost:19092 --output-bs localhost:19092 --input-topic twitter-connect-configs --output-topic twitter-connect-offsets -c true

#Complex Example for Confluent Cloud. 
#input-format and filter are set to filter messages before sending to output
./kcmd copy --input-bs  <input-bootstrap-server> \
            --output-bs <output-bootstrap-server> \
            --input-topic datagen-topic \
            --output-topic orders-filtered \
            -I sasl.username=<input-api-key> \
            -I sasl.password=<input-secret-key> \
            -I sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
            -I security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
            -O sasl.username=<output-api-key> \
            -O sasl.password=<output-api-secret> \
            -O sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
            -O security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
            --sr-url <schema-registry-url> \
            --sr-user <schema-registry-user> \
            --sr-pass <schema-registry-password> \
            --input-format avro \
            --filter "value.quantity > 4000 && value.side == 'BUY'" 
#Copy Complex with continuous and restart
#The group.id is set random string so by passing input arguments overwrites default settings
#Passing input arguments I group.id=FilterOrderedLargerThan4000AndSell -I auto.offset.reset=earliest
#The filter relies on source schema registry so pass in credentials to filter messages using value parameters
./kcmd copy --input-bs  <input-bootstrap-server> \
            --output-bs <output-bootstrap-server> \
            --input-topic datagen-orders \
            --output-topic large-orders 
            -I group.id=FilterOrderedLargerThan4000AndSell \
            -I auto.offset.reset=earliest \
            --sr-url <schema-registry-url> \
            --sr-user <schema-registry-user> \
            --sr-pass <schema-registry-password> \
            --input-format avro \
            --filter "value.quantity > 4000 && value.side == 'SELL'"
            -c true


Provides statistics such as stats,min,max,avg for topics

  kcmd stats [flags]

  -a, --apikey string      [Optional] APIKey (sasl.username)
  -b, --bootstrap string   Bootstrap Server (bootstrap.server)
  -f, --filter string      filter topics matching regex
  -h, --help               help for stats
  -o, --output string      Type of output (json,table,key-value)
  -s, --secretkey string   [Optional] SecretKey (sasl.password)
  -X, --xarg stringArray   Pass optional Arguments. xargs are passed as -X key=value -X key=value


#List all topics and outputs statistics
./kcmd stats -b localhost:9092 -o json

#List all topics and outputs statistics matching regex expression
./kcmd stats -b localhost:9092 -o json -f twitter-*


Counts all topic records

  kcmd count [flags]

  -a, --apikey string      APIKey (sasl.username)
  -b, --bootstrap string   Bootstrap Server (bootstrap.servers)
  -e, --estimate           Estimate the output using watermarks(boolean default false)
  -f, --filter string      filter topics matching regex
  -h, --help               help for count
  -o, --output string      Type of output (json,table,key-value[default])
  -s, --secretkey string   SecretKey (sasl.password)
  -X, --xarg stringArray    Pass optional Arguments. xargs are passed as -X key=value -X key=value


#count all topics
 ./kcmd count -b localhost:9092 -o json

 #simplest example counting  topics where topic matches topic
 ./kcmd count -b localhost:9092 -f "topic" -o json
#Filter Count all topics using Confluent Cloud
./kcmd count -b <bootstrap-url> \
               -a <apiKey> \
               -s <secretKey> \ 
               -o json \
               -X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
               -X security.protocol=SASL_SSL
#Filter Count based on topic matching datagen-topic using Confluent Cloud
./kcmd count -b <bootstrap-url> \
               -a <apiKey> \
               -s <secretKey> \ 
               -f datagen-topic \
               -o json \
               -X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
               -X security.protocol=SASL_SSL

Group Commands

Provides Consumer Group Commands

group list

List Consumer Group Commands

List all Consumer Groups

  kcmd group list [flags]

  -X, --args stringArray   Configuration Argument key=value
  -b, --bootstrap string   Bootstrap Server Url (Required)
  -f, --filter string      Filter groups by value regex
  -h, --help               help for list  
  -o, --output string      Output Table,Json,Print[default]


#List all Consumer Groups and output to json
./kcmd group list -b localhost:9092 -o json

#list consumer groups matching regex zip
./kcmd group list -b localhost:9092 -f "zip"

#Confluent Cloud Example
./kcmd group list \
  -b <bootstrap-server-url> \
  -X sasl.username=<api-key> \
  -X sasl.password=<secret-key \
  -X sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
  -X security.protocol=SASL_SSL 

group delete

Delete Consumer Group(s)

Delete Consumer Group(s)

  kcmd group delete [flags]

  -X, --args stringArray    Configuration Argument key=value
  -b, --bootstrap string    Bootstrap Server Url
  -g, --group stringArray   Group Flag for each group to delete
  -h, --help                help for delete


#delete groups
./kcmd group delete -b localhost:9092 -g Group1 -g Group2