- 3
Change dependencies array to map
#94 opened by erdog - 3
Is this project dead?
#92 opened by gazsp - 8
Is this project dead ?
#82 opened by themihai - 0
Line numbers?
#91 opened by braco - 2
Support for allOf, anyOf and oneOf
#80 opened by ottok - 5
Add support json-schema-draft-04
#73 opened by vlcinsky - 0
- 1
- 2
validation appears to leak memory
#42 opened by davepacheco - 0
Issues loading URI objects from Rhino
#84 opened by AngryPirate - 4
Support AMD for lazy loading
#50 opened by nickcmaynard - 8
Union Types and errors
#36 opened by schteppe - 1
schemas embedded using $ref not being validated.
#68 opened by evdb - 2
- 3
Add a mechansim for removing schemas.
#77 opened by victor73 - 1
Asynchronous validators
#66 opened by dolphin278 - 1
Sub-schemas gets undefined restrictions
#67 opened by lazdmx - 1
- 1
Extraneous .project file?
#70 opened by imawuman - 0
Slow in browser
#74 opened by wshager - 1
trouble launching in browser
#76 opened by jedierikb - 2
Required array items not valid
#75 opened by wshager - 1
email validation not wokring
#63 opened by Mirodil - 1
Custom types?
#61 opened by sakari - 1
Enhance validation report message by adding the name of the property being validated
#62 opened by lauterry - 4
- 1
Extending a $ref in two places causes problems
#57 opened by fugu13 - 1
Support for default property
#58 opened by slomo - 4
Local $ref doesn't work
#53 opened by Krzysztof-FF - 1
- 1
Late Binding
#51 opened by gak10100 - 3
type: date validation
#48 opened by tdegrunt - 2
alternate to Tuple typing (array)
#47 opened by rgururaj - 1
Cannot validate circular structures
#46 opened by kkaefer - 1
- 1
Validation always returns a single parse error.
#44 opened by bothros - 4
Command line interface
#39 opened by hickford - 1
dot-delimited and slash-delimited support
#43 opened by rgururaj - 1
Self-validating schema doesn't self-validate
#41 opened by hickford - 3
publish to npm
#38 opened by ehartford - 3
- 3
extending a string with pattern throws errors
#37 opened by DrDyne - 2
file extension
#40 opened by ehartford - 1
Rounding errors with divisibleBy
#35 opened by pospi - 2
Extending schemas in multiple parent schemas
#34 opened by pospi - 1
HTML form page for manual validation
#33 opened - 1
Reusing extended schemas
#32 opened by pospi - 3
Wrong validation of a nested array
#31 opened by slopjong - 1
- 1
additionalProperties not working in some cases ?
#27 opened by Xample