- 1
Request: include more parts
#18 opened by cpcallen - 0
How to make it so that the first stage (stage with highest number) must be a SRB?
#27 opened by WarpPrime - 1
- 2
Optimization of time complexity
#24 opened by mferrie - 0
- 3
1.0.5 Values Appear to be Wrong
#13 opened by wcmille - 1
Exotic fuels
#12 opened by IvanSanchez - 0
(suggestion) Limit max quantity of each engine
#11 opened by tablesix - 0
- 0
No way to optimize for delta-v
#8 opened by TheLoneWolfling - 1
staged TWR constraints
#7 opened by apexo - 1
Update KW parts to 2.6
#5 opened by shrx - 2
Update stock parts to 0.24
#4 opened by shrx - 1
Add link to wiki for stock parts
#2 opened by xZise