Run locally

First, we need to install the correct ruby environment

check ruby version

# for our project, we are using ruby version 3.1.0
# if the ruby version is not 3.1.0, please go to install the correct ruby version
ruby -v

check rails version

# for our project, we are using rails version 7.0.4
# if the rails version is not 7.0.4, please go to install the correct rails version
rails -v

Install Gem

Run bundle install --without production to make sure all gems are properly installed.

Create the initial database schema:

bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
  • You can optionally add some seed data in db/seeds.rb and run rake db:seed to add it.

You can run Unit test and Cucumber test by using the following command

# Before running tests, make sure your coverage folder is empty. And try to delete the coverage folder after executing each test.
bundle exec cucumber
bundle exec rspec

Alternatively, if you would like to see coverage by lines run rails spec

Start server

rails server -b localhost

Heroku Link

Original Github Link

Contributors 🥒

The thanks goes to these wonderful people

  • Md Monirul Islam (im2594)
  • Faiza Khan (fk2421)
  • Jiawei Jiang (jj3179)
  • Sahitya Raipura (sr3962)

If experiencing issues in "bundle install" stating "An error occurred while installing pg (1.4.4), and Bundler cannot continue # In Gemfile: pg" then run:

brew install postgresql
gem install pg -v '1.2.3' --source '