Source code for the paper:
Huang, Jingwei, Hao Su, and Leonidas Guibas. Robust Watertight Manifold Surface Generation Method for ShapeNet Models., arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01698 (2018).
For Linux and Mac users, run sh
to build and try the manifold example.
git clone --recursive -j8 git://
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
We take a triangle mesh "input.obj" and generate a manifold "output.obj". The resolution is the number of leaf nodes of octree. The face number increases linearly with the resolution.
./manifold input.obj output.obj [resolution (Default 20000)]
Our manifold software generates uniform manifold. For efficiency purpose, a mesh simplification can be used.
./simplify -i input.obj -o output.obj [-m] [-f face_num] [-c max_cost] [-r max_ratio]
-m Turn on manifold check, we don't output model if check fails
-f face_num Add termination condition when current_face_num <= face_num
-c max_cost Add termination condition when quadric error >= max_cost
-r max_ratio Add termination condition when current_face_num / origin_face_num <= max_ratio
./simplify -i input.obj -o output.obj -m -c 1e-2 -f 10000 -r 0.2
© Jingwei Huang, Stanford University
IMPORTANT: If you use this software please cite the following in any resulting publication:
title={Robust Watertight Manifold Surface Generation Method for ShapeNet Models},
author={Huang, Jingwei and Su, Hao and Guibas, Leonidas},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01698},