SCSS mixin for adding a selector into a nested list.
It automatically adds class, ID, attribute, and pseudo selectors to the end of the target. It adds elements to the front.
Dart Sass >=1.23.0 for @use
module syntax
npm install insert-selector
yarn add insert-selector
Import the mixin at the top of your .scss
If using module syntax (it's the future)(and also the default), and you can use the package import:
@use "insert-selector" as *;
// With Dart Sass 1.71.0, you can use the pkg: importer
@use "pkg:insert-selector" as *;
// The old way, something like this
@use "../../../../node_modules/insert-selector/insert-selector" as *;
You can also use a load path to make it cleaner. (Load path in CLI docs)
If using @import
@import "insert-selector-import";
/// @param {string} $target
/// the target element in the tree
/// @param {string} $insert
/// the element or modifier you want to insert
/// @param {boolean} $child, default false
/// if true, the $insert is a separate child element in the selector tree
/// @return {string}
/// full new element tree
@include insert-selector("#target", ".insert");
@include insert-selector("#target", ".insert", true);
.product-info {
.row-fluid {
.price-info {
display: grid;
.buy-info {
grid-column: 1;
@include insert-selector(".row-fluid", ".active") {
grid-column: 3;
@include insert-selector(".row-fluid", ".outOfStock", true) {
grid-column: 2;
compiles to
.product-info .row-fluid .price-info {
display: grid;
.product-info .row-fluid .price-info .buy-info {
grid-column: 1;
.product-info .price-info .buy-info {
grid-column: 3;
.product-info .row-fluid .outOfStock .price-info .buy-info {
grid-column: 2;
You're probably on a legacy system that has difficult to navigate element trees for selectors. Ideally, the markup doesn't look like this, but sometimes it's out of your hands. Hopefully this helps!
This also acts like a parent selector, giving you access to change the parent from the nested child selector.