
Capybara helpers for https://select2.org select box (supports Select2 version 2/3/4)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

CapybaraSelect2 for select2 version 2/3/4

!!! CapybaraSelect2 detects select2 version automatically

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :test do
  gem 'capybara-select-2'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capybara-select-2

[Note] In the projects which use RSpec or Cucumber, the select2 helper is available out of the box

Manual installation with Minitest

In your application_system_test_case.rb

class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase
  include CapybaraSelect2::Helpers

Manual installation with Rspec

In your spec_helper.rb

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include CapybaraSelect2

Manual installation with Cucumber

In your env.rb

World CapybaraSelect2


Select from a node containing select2 control

  • Identified by CSS selector
select2 'Buy Milk', css: '#todo'
  • Identified by XPath selector
select2 'Buy Milk', xpath: '//div[@id="todo"]'

Select from select2 control identified by label

select2 'Buy Milk', from: 'Things to do'

If you want to search for an option (via Ajax for example)

select2 'Buy Milk', from: 'Things to do', search: true

Dynamically create an option from search input

select2 'Millennials', from: 'Generations', tag: true

Select several options at once

select2 'Buy Milk', 'Go to gym', css: '#todo'

Add match strategy in case of ambiguous results

select2 'Buy Milk', from: 'Things to do', search: true, match: :first

Search for exact text in the specified node

select2 'Buy Milk', from: 'Things to do', exact_text: true

Check for select2 option on the page

expect(page).to have_select2_option('Buy Milk')


  1. Add a test case which covers the bug
  2. Add code which makes the test green
  3. Open pull request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.