Hacker News Comment Processing with Kafka



  • This application collect Hacker News user comment from Internet. All comments will be joining with a Keyword Kafka table(changelog stream) to find the interesting information.
  • For the Keyword changelog part, I use Debezium Connector for PostgreSQL to streaming the database change data events into the Kafka broker. Every keyword change in PostgreSQL table will reflect to the Kafka broker in real time.
  • Spring Framework for serving the web user interface.


Front Page


Run Demo (From existing Docker Image on GitHub)

# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/garyparrot/hackernews-comment-processing.git
cd hackernews-comment-processing

# launch docker-compose
cd ./demo-environment
docker-compose up

# visite the user interface
open http://localhost:8080

Run Demo (Build everything manually)

# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/garyparrot/hackernews-comment-processing.git
cd hackernews-comment-processing

# Download connectors
sh ./dev-support/pg-data-connector/download-connector.sh
sh ./dev-support/pg-cdc-connector/download-connector.sh

# Bootstrap building environment (we need schema-registry otherwise we can't build)
cd dev-support
docker-compose up -d
cd ../

# Build
mvn clean package

# Start full environment
cd dev-support
docker-compose stop
docker-compose -f docker-compose.application.yaml -f docker-compose.yaml up

# visite the user interface
open http://localhost:8080

Related Tools in this Project

  • Kafka Producer
  • Kafka Consumer
  • Kafka Stream
  • Kafka Connect
    • debezium posgres connector
    • Jdbc Sink Connector
  • Confluent Schema Registry
  • Docker
  • Spring Framework