Simple rofi script for translation based on translate shell
Brief translation, provide simple translation with pronunciation audio.
Provide detail of specific translation
- rofi
- translate shell
- mplayer (without it you can't play the audio file)
sudo pacman -S translate-shell rofi mplayer
git clone
cd rofi-translate
Edit .xprofile
, add the following line.
export PATH=~/rofi-translate:$PATH
$ rofi_trans
$ rofi_trans brief
$ rofi_trans verbose
$ rofi_trans delete
Add key binding for i3-wm
bindsym $mod+t exec rofi_trans
Open the file rofi_trans
with your text editor.
Then make changes to these environment variables.
function Configs {
# the default translation engine for translate-shell.
export primary_translator="google"
# the alternative translation engine for translate-shell. Once the primary engine malfunctioned, the secondary engine replace it.
export secondary_translator="bing"
# the file use to storing your translating history.
export transHistory="$HOME/.rofi_trans"
# Directory for cache audio files
export transAudioCacheDir="$HOME/.rofi_trans_audio"
# target language for translation
export transTarget="zh-TW"
# transArgs: Arguement for translate shell
export transArgs="-b -speak"
# display some debug information, run it in shell so you can see it
export verbose="1"
# auto refresh the content of each mode after every operation, this will cause the rofi flash(close and open)
export auto_refresh="1"
export version=1