
Rofi translate script based on translate-shell

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Rofi translate

Simple rofi script for translation based on translate shell


Brief mode

Brief translation, provide simple translation with pronunciation audio.


Verbose mode

Provide detail of specific translation




sudo pacman -S translate-shell rofi mplayer


Download rofi-translate

git clone https://github.com/garyparrot/rofi-translate
cd rofi-translate

Configure environment variables

Edit .xprofile, add the following line.

export PATH=~/rofi-translate:$PATH



$ rofi_trans
$ rofi_trans brief
$ rofi_trans verbose
$ rofi_trans delete

Add key binding for i3-wm

bindsym $mod+t exec rofi_trans

Configuration of rofi-translate

Open the file rofi_trans with your text editor. Then make changes to these environment variables.

function Configs {
    # the default translation engine for translate-shell.
    export primary_translator="google"

    # the alternative translation engine for translate-shell. Once the primary engine malfunctioned, the secondary engine replace it.
    export secondary_translator="bing"

    # the file use to storing your translating history.
    export transHistory="$HOME/.rofi_trans"

    # Directory for cache audio files
    export transAudioCacheDir="$HOME/.rofi_trans_audio"

    # target language for translation
    export transTarget="zh-TW"

    # transArgs: Arguement for translate shell
    export transArgs="-b -speak"

    # display some debug information, run it in shell so you can see it
    export verbose="1"

    # auto refresh the content of each mode after every operation, this will cause the rofi flash(close and open)
    export auto_refresh="1"

    export version=1