
Provides a simple Trie implementation for storing "keys" composed of "atoms".

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Provides a simple Trie implementation for storing "keys" composed of "atoms".

The trie imposes restrictions on the key, atom and value types:

  • keys must be: Clone + Default + Ord + FromIterator (aggregate trait: TrieKey)
  • atoms must be: Copy + Default + PartialEq + Ord (aggregate trait: TrieAtom)
  • values must be: Default (aggregate trait: TrieValue)

(where A represents the Atom type that the key will be represented as)

With these restrictions in place, the trie implements a reasonably efficient mechanism for:

  • prefix matching
  • representing large quantities of data with common prefixes
  • finding shortest unique prefix
  • finding alternative values
  • finding longest common prefixes

For Example:

use trying::trie::TrieVec;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;

// Declare a trie which will store &str keys
// with usize values.
let mut trie = TrieVec::<&str, usize>::new();
let s = "a̐éö̲\r\n";
let input = s.graphemes(true);
// Insert our graphemes into the trie
// Anything which implements IntoIterator<Item=&str> can now be used
// to interact with our Trie

If you don't need prefix matching, then a HashMap is almost always a better choice than a trie...


API Docs


trying = "0.4"

Features are available.


Apache 2.0 licensed. See LICENSE for details.