Sublime Text snippets for Perch CMS projects.
Update: April 27, 2020. I've got time and a project, so I'm working on updating these and reorganizing them. Some of these are out of date, at least one of them doesn't work properly, but I always forget which one until I try to use it. So we're gonna fix all the things.
Tag | Trigger | Details |
<perch:after> |
perchafter | |
<perch:before> |
perchbefore | |
<perch:blocks> |
perchblocks | Creates blocks group |
<perch:block> |
perchblock | Creates block |
<perch:content> |
perchcontent | |
<perch:else> |
perchifelse | |
<perch:every> |
perchevery | |
<perch:help> |
perchhelp | Creates a block of html help information. |
<perch:if> |
perchif | |
<perch:layout> |
perchlayout | |
<perch:noresults> |
perchnoresults | |
<perch:repeater> |
perchrepeater | |
<perch:search> |
perchsearch | |
<perch:showall> |
perchshowall | |
<perch:template> |
perchtemplate |
Tag | Trigger | Details |
<perch:form> |
perchform | Also includes <perch:input> and <perch:label> tags for faster form creation |
--- |
perchformex | Creates example form. |
<perch:label> |
perchlabel | Label tag with attributes. |
<perch:error> |
percherror | Creates error tag with attributes. |
<perch:input> |
perchinput | Creates input element with default attributes. |
<perch:input type="text"> |
perchinputtext | Creates input element of type text |
<perch:input type="email"> |
perchinputemail | Creates input element of type email |
<perch:input type="url"> |
perchinputurl | Creates an input element of type url in your form. This will validate to require a protocol. |
<perch:input type="range"> |
perchinputrange | Includes min, max and step attributes; creates html5 widgets. |
<perch:input type="number"> |
perchinputnum | Like range, includes min, max and step attributes. |
<perch:input type="date"> |
perchinputdate | Creates date input, accepts YYYY-MM-DD format. |
<perch:input type="datetime"> |
perchinputdatetime | Creates datetime input, accepts YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format. |
<perch:input type="month"> |
perchinputmonth | Creates month input, accepts YYYY-MM format. |
<perch:input type="week"> |
perchinputweek | Accepts a year and week number YYYY-WNN e.g. 2011-W23 (W is literal) |
<perch:input type="color"> |
perchinputcolor | Accepts a hex color;displays as html5 colorpicker in some browsers. |
<perch:input type="textarea"> |
perchinputtextarea | Creates a textarea. |
<perch:input type="select"> |
perchinputselect | Creates a select list; includes the options attribute. |
<perch:input type="radio"> |
perchinputradio | Creates a radio input. |
<perch:input type="checkbox"> |
perchinputcheck | Creates a checkbox; the value set will be checked by default. |
<perch:input type="image"> |
perchinputimage | Creates an image input with all possible attributes. |
<perch:input type="file"> |
perchinputfile | Creates a file input |
<perch:input type="hidden"> |
perchinputhidden | Creates a hidden field. |
<perch:input type="submit"> |
perchinputsubmit | Creates a submit field. Includes value attribute, which becomes the text displayed on the submit button. |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_blog_author(perch_get('author')); ?> |
perchblogauthor | Display a blog post's author |
<?php perch_blog_authors(); ?> |
perchblogauthors | Displays list of blog authors |
<?php perch_blog_author_for_post(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogpostauthor | Displays author of a post |
<?php perch_blog_categories(); ?> |
perchblogcat | Outputs a list of categories set up for the blog. |
<?php perch_blog_category(perch_get('cat')); ?> |
perchblogcattitle | Outputs the title of a category |
<?php perch_blog_date_archive_years(); ?> |
perchblogarchiveyears | Displays a list of years and the count of the number of posts in each year. |
<?php perch_blog_date_archive_months(); ?> |
perchblogarchivemonths | Displays a list of years, and then months nested within those years, along with post counts. |
<?php perch_blog_post_categories(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogpostcats | Display the categories for a given blog post. |
<?php perch_blog_post_comment_form(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogcommentform | Display a comment form for the given post. |
<?php perch_blog_post_comments(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogcomments | Displays comments for a given post. |
<?php perch_blog_post_field(perch_get('s'), 'postTitle'); ?> |
perchblogpostfield | Output a single field (such as the title) from a blog post. |
<?php perch_blog_post_tags(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogposttags | Displays the tags for a given post. |
<?php perch_blog_post(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchblogpost | Displays a single post. |
<?php perch_blog_recent_posts(10); ?> |
perchblogrecentposts | Get a list of the most recent blog posts. |
<?php perch_blog_section(perch_get('section')); ?> |
perchblogsection | Output the section. |
<?php perch_blog_sections(); ?> |
perchblogsections | Output a list of sections set up for the blog. |
<?php perch_blog_tag(perch_get('tag')); ?> |
perchblogtag | Output the title of a tag. |
<?php perch_blog_tags(); ?> |
perchblogtags | Display a list of tags used across all blog posts. |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_comment(4); ?> |
perchcomment | Display a single comment |
<?php perch_comments_count('itemid123'); ?> |
perchcommentcount | Display count of comments on an item |
<?php perch_comments_form('product123', 'Elasticated garden yoga pants'); ?> |
perchcommentsform | Outputs a comment form |
<?php perch_comments('product123'); ?> |
perchcomments | Displays all comments for a given item id |
N/A |
perchcommentformtemplate | Outputs example comment form template |
N/A |
perchcommentlisttemplate | Outputs example comment listing template |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_mailchimp_form('subscribe.html'); ?> |
perchchimpadd | Add a subscriber |
<?php perch_mailchimp_campaigns(); ?> |
perchchimparchive | Display a campaign archive |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_podcasts_episode(perch_get('s'), perch_get('ep')); ?> |
perchpodcastepisode | Display a single episode |
<?php perch_podcasts_episodes(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchpodcastepisodes | Display a list of episodes for a given show |
<?php perch_podcasts_show(perch_get('s')); ?> |
perchpodcastshow | Display a single show |
<?php perch_podcasts_shows(); ?> |
perchpodcastshows | Display a list of the shows |
<?php perch_podcasts_track_play(perch_get('s'), perch_get('ep')); ?> |
perchpodcastlogplay | Log an episode as being played |
Template | Trigger | Details |
N/A |
perchpodcastepisode | Default episode template |
N/A |
perchpodcastepisodes | Episodes list template |
N/A |
perchpodcastshow | Default show template |
N/A |
perchpodcastshows | Shows list template |
N/A |
perchpodcastrss | RSS items template |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/perch/runtime.php');?> |
perchruntime | Creates an include for the runtime from the root of the server |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_content(''); ?> |
perchcontent | Creates new content region |
<?php perch_content_custom('News', array()); ?> |
perchcustom | Creates new custom content region |
<?php perch_content_custom('Properties', array('filter'=>'bedrooms','match'=>'gte','value'=>3));?> |
perchcustomfilter | Custom content filter example |
<?php perch_content_custom('Properties', array('filter'=>array(array('filter'=>'bedrooms','match'=>'gte','value'=>3),array('filter'=>'price','match'=>'lte','value'=>500000),)));?> |
perchcustomfiltermulti | Filter by multiple fields example |
<?php if (perch_get('s')) {perch_content_custom('Items', array('template' => 'item_detail.html','filter' => 'slug','match' => 'eq','value' => perch_get('s'),'count' => 1,));} else {perch_content_custom('Items', array('template' => 'item_listing.html',));}?> |
perchlistdetail | Creates a single-page list-detail page. |
Output | Trigger | Details |
<?php perch_pages_navigation(array('navgroup' =>'footer','levels' => 1)); ?> |
perchnavgroup | Displays navigation group based on slug |
<?php perch_layout('global.header');?> |
perchlayout | Include a layout file |
<?php perch_page_url(); ?> |
perchpageurl | Outputs url of current page |
<?php perch_page_modified(array('format' => '%d %B %Y, %H:%M',));?> |
perchpagemod | Outputs the date the page was last updated; formatted using strftime codes. |
<?php perch_pages_breadcrumbs(); ?> |
perchnavcrumbs | Outputs a breadcrumb trail for the current page. |
<?php perch_pages_navigation_text(); ?> |
perchnavtext | Outputs navigation text of current page. |
<?php perch_pages_navigation(); ?> |
perchnavtree | Outputs navigation tree of pages that exist (are editable) in Perch. |
<?php perch_pages_navigation(array('levels' => 1,)); ?> |
perchnavtreetop | Outputs top level of navigation tree. |
<?php perch_pages_navigation(array('from-path'=>'/','levels'=>0,'hide-extensions'=>false,'hide-default-doc'=>true,'flat'=>false,'template'=>'item.html','include-parent'=>false,'skip-template'=>false,'siblings'=>false,'only-expand-selected'=>false,'add-trailing-slash'=>false,'navgroup'=>false,'include-hidden'=>false,));?> |
perchnavall | Perch_pages_navigation with all available options |
<?php perch_pages_next_page(); ?> |
perchnavnext | Outputs details of the next page in the navigational hierarchy. |
<?php perch_pages_parent_page(); ?> |
perchnavparent | Outputs details of the current page's parent page. |
<?php perch_pages_previous_page(); ?> |
perchnavprev | Outputs details of the previous page. |
<?php perch_pages_title(); ?> |
perchpagetitle | Outputs page title |
These snippets are for Sublime Text 2 or 3 and are sorted into folders.
- Copy the Perch Snippets folder into the
folder, which can be accessed easily throughPreferences
>Browse Packages
. - Relaunch Sublime Text.
- Enjoy.