Displays are components that cannot be interacted with. Their purpose is for display only. They enforce some styling, but cannot be composed with other components.
(β): Displays a block of code, with syntax highlighting.mk-icon
(β): Displays an SVG icon.
Layouts are components that cannot be interacted with. They enforce margins and paddings and does not display anything, unless the appropriate slots are filled.
(β): Expands and collapses.mk-line-layout
(α): Displays things in a line.mk-list-item-layout
(α): Layouts out the items as a list item. This means adding a slot for bullet point and a details row.mk-overlay-layout
(α): Provides a general root layout for the app.
Interactable components.
(β): Represents a button.mk-checkbox
(β): Represents a checkbox.- mk-number-input
(β): Radio input.mk-text-input
(β): Represents a text input.
- Unimplemented
(α)implemented and demoed