
A minecraft plugin allowing players to communicate over a self-hosted website while playing.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A minecraft plugin allowing players to communicate over a self-hosted website while playing.


Setup the website

  1. Clone this repository onto your server.
  2. Install Docker and docker-compose
  3. Configure ./compose.yml
    • Secrets should be generated randomly
    • Replace the 8080 before the : with your desired website port
    • The origin should be your ip address with the port of the website or a domain that points to the site (I suggest, you use a reverse proxy to configure SSL)
  4. Run docker-compose up -d to start up the server

Setup your minecraft server

  1. Download MinecraftTalk.jar
  2. Move the file into your plugins/ directory.
  3. Reload your minecraft server
  4. Configure plugins/MinecraftTalk/config.yml with your secret and reload again


Enter /vc on your server to retrieve a login link to the website.