
It's only an example of Spring-Webflux usage following principles of DDD methodology and Hexagonal Architecture

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Webflux REST Service Example with SQL Database implemented with DDD methodology

It's only an example of Spring-Webflux usage following principles of DDD methodology and Hexagonal Architecture

Main application layers:

  • application: Use Cases of domain model
  • domain: Business models and repository abstractions, following DDD principles
  • domain.types: Some DDD value objects
  • infrastructure: Infrastructure layer implementation with spring boot

What has been done here?

  1. CSV Loading file with OpenCSV
  2. Auto-mapping of loaded CSV data to model entities with MapStruct
  3. SQL H2 'in-memory' database update and sql queries of loaded CSV data through reactive way using R2DBC
  4. Reactive REST Service with Spring Webflux
  5. Auto-generation of entity getters/setters/constructor... with Lombok
  6. Some unit tests and integration tests with Junit5 , Assertj, Mockito , reactor-test and spring-test