
Sources files of the coq.inria.fr website (static part)

Primary LanguageCoq

This repository contains the static pages of the Coq website

Pre-html sources are in pages/ and news/, while final html files
will be assembled in dest/.


The html files are pre-processed by Yamlpp (see [1]). A copy of
yamlpp is included in this repository, we simply need an "ocaml"
toplevel to run it as a script. If you further modify the source
file yamlpp.mll to customize the pre-processing, you'll also need
an "ocamllex" to regenerate yamlpp.ml.

[1] http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/yamlpp.en.html

How to edit an existing page ?

1) Look in the PAGES file which is the corresponding source file.
   For instance "download/" is pages/3.html
   Nota: for the moment, these numbers in pages/ correspond
   to former Drupal nodes.
2) Edit this source file
3) Run "make" and check that the produced file is ok (e.g. dest/node/3.html)
   If that may help, "make run" launches a small local webserver
4) Commit your change and push it to the main repository
   The update of coq.inria.fr should then be automatic (TODO)

How to create a new page ?

1) Add your new file in pages/. File name is up to you, but please
   avoid strange ones. Files in pages/ will be pre-processed by Yamlpp
   (see yamlpp-*/README for me details). Basically, to be uniform with
   the other pages of the site, your file should look like:

   <#def TITLE> your page title </#def>
   <#include "incl/header.html">
   Your html code corresponding roughly to the inner of the html body
   <#include "incl/footer.html">

   In addition, you could add just after the TITLE two other macro definitions:
   - HEAD : anything in it will be added at the end of the <head> section
   - PATH : some code displayed before the title of your page, usually
     a sequence of links to your page ancestors. See Drupal's breadcrumb.
     By default: <a href="/">Home</a>.

2) Ensure that your page is built and installed. Normally, this amounts to
   adding a new line to the PAGES file, with the shape "localname:nicename".
   You could add multiple lines to have multiple aliases for the same page.

   Nota: for pages converted from Drupal, the relevant part of the url is
   now a directory, in with we place an index.html. This approach is also
   recommended for new pages, but not mandatory.

3) make, verify, commit, push as for the edition of an existing page below.

And for news ?

1) Add a new file in news/ with an increased number as filename.
   You can for instance copy news/template and adapt it, or any existing
   news files. See news/template for details about the expected syntax.

2) In the file NEWS, add your news number, with an optional url alias.
   In the Makefile, update the $(RECENTNEWS) variable.

3) make, verify, commit, push as usual