
Kuml is a kubernetes manifest visualization tool.

Primary LanguageGo



Kuml is a kubernetes manifest visualization tool.



go get -u github.com/gashirar/kuml

krew plugin manager.




kuml example/application


rectangle "kind: ConfigMap\nname: adapter-app-properties" as default_ConfigMap_adapter_app_properties
rectangle "kind: ConfigMap\nname: adapter-infra-properties" as default_ConfigMap_adapter_infra_properties
rectangle "kind: ConfigMap\nname: application-app-properties" as default_ConfigMap_application_app_properties
rectangle "kind: ConfigMap\nname: application-infra-properties" as default_ConfigMap_application_infra_properties
rectangle "kind: Deployment\nname: sample-deployment" as default_Deployment_sample_deployment
rectangle "kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler\nname: sample-horizontalpodautoscaler" as default_HorizontalPodAutoscaler_sample_horizontalpodautoscaler
rectangle "kind: Ingress\nname: sample-ingress" as default_Ingress_sample_ingress
rectangle "kind: PodDisruptionBudget\nname: sample-poddisruptionbudget" as default_PodDisruptionBudget_sample_poddisruptionbudget
rectangle "kind: Pod\nname: sample-deployment" as default_Pod_sample_deployment
rectangle "kind: ReplicaSet\nname: sample-deployment" as default_ReplicaSet_sample_deployment
rectangle "kind: Service\nname: sample-service" as default_Service_sample_service
default_Deployment_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_ReplicaSet_sample_deployment : ""
default_ReplicaSet_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_Pod_sample_deployment : ""
default_Pod_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_ConfigMap_adapter_app_properties : ""
default_Pod_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_ConfigMap_adapter_infra_properties : ""
default_Pod_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_ConfigMap_application_app_properties : ""
default_Pod_sample_deployment -DOWN-> default_ConfigMap_application_infra_properties : ""
default_Service_sample_service -RIGHT-> default_Pod_sample_deployment : ""
default_Ingress_sample_ingress -RIGHT-> default_Service_sample_service : ""
default_Ingress_sample_ingress -RIGHT-> default_Service_sample_service : ""
default_PodDisruptionBudget_sample_poddisruptionbudget -LEFT-> default_Pod_sample_deployment : ""
default_HorizontalPodAutoscaler_sample_horizontalpodautoscaler -LEFT-> default_Deployment_sample_deployment : ""

Generate UML diagram

In your favorite way.

-> call it from your script using command line - PlantUML
-> PlantUML Web Server



  • Workloads Resources
    • CronJob v1beta1 batch
      • Element
      • Link to Job
    • DaemonSet v1 apps
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
        • .spec.selector.matchLabels
    • Deployment v1 apps
      • Element
      • Link to ReplicaSet
        • .spec.selector.matchLabels
    • Job v1 batch
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
    • Pod v1 core
      • Element
      • Link to ConfigMap
        • .spec.volumes.configMap
        • .spec.volumes.projected.sources.configMap
      • Link to Secret
        • .spec.volumes.secret
        • .spec.volumes.projected.sources.secret
      • Link to PersistentVolumeClaim
        • .spec.volumes.persistentVolumeClaim
        • .spec.volumes.projected.sources.persistentVolumeClaim
      • Link to ServiceAccount
        • .spec.serviceAccountName
    • ReplicaSet v1 apps
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
        • .spec.selector.matchLabels
    • ReplicationController v1 core
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
        • .spec.selector.matchLabels
    • StatefulSet v1 apps
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
        • .spec.selector.matchLabels
  • Service Resources
    • Endpoints v1 core
      • Element
    • Ingress v1beta1 networking.k8s.io
      • Element
      • Link to Service
        • .spec.backend.serviceName
        • .spec.backend.servicePort
        • .spec.rules.http.paths.backend.serviceName
        • .spec.rules.http.paths.backend.servicePort
    • Service v1 core
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
        • .spec.selector
      • Link to Endpoint
        • .metadata.name
  • Config And Storage Resource
    • ConfigMap v1 core
      • Element
    • Secret v1 core
      • Element
    • PersistentVolumeClaim v1 core
      • Element
  • Metadata Resources
    • HorizontalPodAutoscaler v1 autoscaling
      • Element
      • Link to Deployment
    • PodDisruptionBudget v1beta1 policy
      • Element
      • Link to Pod
    • PriorityClass v1 scheduling.k8s.io
      • Element
  • Cluster Resources
    • ClusterRole v1 rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      • Element
    • ClusterRoleBinding v1 rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      • Element
    • Role v1 rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      • Element
    • RoleBinding v1 rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      • Element
    • ServiceAccount v1 core
      • Element
    • NetworkPolicy v1 networking.k8s.io
      • Element