
Code to web scrape the Valuation Office Agency website to collect council tax data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Collecting council tax data


This code collects council tax data for properties from a list of postcodes. The data comes from the Valuation Office Agency website.

How do I use this project?

The following Python packages are required:

  • requests
  • bs4
  • selenium
  • time
  • pandas

In addition, the code requires:

  • ChromeDriver to be downloaded and for the ChromeDriver file path to be specified in the code as this is required for selenium to drive Chrome
  • A list of postcodes saved in a file called "My_postcodes.csv" with the column name "pcds". It is not included here as it may narrow down my location. A list of postcodes can be found on the Open Geography Portal