
Facilitate reading and navigating fprof and eprof outputs

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a part of Vim-Elixir-IDE package.

Provides better navigation for eprof profiling output.

  • translates module/function names to Elixir convention
  • highligh module names
  • sort output based on every columns on fly


Drop the file in ~/.vim/plugin or ~/vimfiles/plugin folder, or if you use pathogen into the ~/.vim/bundle/vim-elixir-profiler or ~/vimfiles/bundle/vim-elixir-profiler.


Open file with extension .eprof and it will be automatically detected as eprof output and highlighted properly.

Keyboard shortcuts

Plugin provides extra shortcuts to sort content of eprof file.

  • <Leader>f - sort based on function name
  • <Leader>rf - reverse sort on function name
  • <Leader>c - sort based on call count
  • <Leader>rc - reverse sort on call count
  • <Leader>% - sort based on percent of total time spent in the function
  • <Leader>r% - reverse sort based on percent of time
  • <Leader>t - sort based on total time spent in the function
  • <Leader>rt - reverse sort based on total time
  • <Leader>u - sort based on usec/call
  • <Leader>ru - reverse sort based on usec/call


  • Add jump to module/preview functionality