Front-end challenge

You can preview the app here (Netlify)

This project was bootstrapped with create-react-app


There are no tests in this project apart from the default test created by CRA

Technologies used


  • Pagination support (page size = 50)
  • Indicator of unread/read post
  • Dismiss post button
  • Dismiss all button
  • Split layout
  • Responsive design (might not be 100% responsive on all devices)
  • Auto-scroll to latest post when loading more
  • Auto-scroll to post details when loading more on mobile devices
  • Content preview for a variety of formats (though not all of them, specially videos)

Potential improvements

  • Add SSR (using Next or similar)
  • Fix post details scrolling behavior on mobile so it waits for the post to load
  • UX/UI
  • Display some comments in the detail section