
Repository for the Go Challenge in the FullCycle course

Primary LanguageGo

Go Challenge for FullCycle Course


This repository contains a Go application developed as a part of the "Desafio Go" (Go Challenge) from the Docker module in the FullCycle 3.0 course.

Challenge Requirements

  • The Go application must display the message: "FullCycle rocks!"
  • The resulting Docker image size must be under 2MB.

Project Structure

  • main.go: The Go source file that contains the application code.
  • go.mod: Specifies the Go module name and version (This project does not have any external dependencies).
  • Dockerfile.dev: The Docker configuration file used to build the image for local development purposes.
  • Dockerfile.prod: The Docker configuration file used to build the image for a production environment.


To build and run this application, follow these steps:

Development Environment

Building the Docker Image

docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t gasscoelho/fullcycle-dev .

This will create a Docker image named gasscoelho/fullcycle-dev.

Running the Docker Container

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target="/workspace" -it gasscoelho/fullcycle-dev bash

This command will run the following:

  • Interactive TTY Mode (-it): Opens an interactive terminal session within the container, allowing us to execute commands directly.
  • Volume Mounting (--mount): Synchronizes the contents of the current host directory ($(pwd)) with the /workspace directory in the container. Changes made in one location are reflected in the other.
  • Temporary Container (--rm): Ensures the container is automatically removed after it's stopped.

Running the Go application

go run main.go

The command above will compile and run the application code.

Production Environment

Building the Docker Image

docker build -f Dockerfile.prod -t gasscoelho/fullcycle .

This will create a Docker image named gasscoelho/fullcycle.

Running the Docker Container

docker run --rm gasscoelho/fullcycle

This command runs the container and outputs "FullCycle rocks!!" to the terminal.

Production Image on Docker Hub

The production-ready version of this application's Docker image is available on Docker Hub.

docker pull gasscoelho/fullcycle

This command will download the latest version of the production image to the local machine.


Please note that this image may be removed in case of inactivity. If that happens, we will need to build the production version locally using the Dockerfile.