
A python web scraping program to gather information about NBA players

Primary LanguagePython

Web Scraping - NBA

A python web scraping program to gather information about NBA players.



Get Started

Follow the steps below to properly run this application.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/gasscoelho/webscraping-nba.git
cd webscraping-nba

Start the application:

docker-compose up

Alternatively, you can run the app manually by accessing the container' terminal:

docker-compose run app bash
python webscraping.py

Built With


Dessert 🍨

One of the challenges faced during the development of this project was how to make sure to execute the app container only after the Selenium container was ready. The depends_on property in the docker-compose file will only set the order of the execution and not in fact wait for the process to be ready. So, to achieve that behavior, I used the docker-compose-wait tool.

This tool is a command-line utility that facilitates the orchestration of services by making a docker image to start only after other docker images are ready while using docker-compose.

Check their repository to know more about the tool and how to use it.


Gabriel Coelho - Software Engineer