
Forge Addon to create Jaguar Project and Scaffolding

Primary LanguageJava


(choose one, do not modify, then add a second sentence with a brief description, starting with - "The jaguar-forge-addon addon enables blah blah…​) This addon provides standalone functionality, and exports services for use in other addons. This addon provides standalone functionality. This addon exports services for use in other addons. This addon provides classes for use in other addons. This addon is a 'Furnace container' that provides lifecycle and service registry support for dependent addons.

Dependencies: None (or)

Depends on

Addon Exported Optional








This Addon requires the following installation steps.

Add configuration to pom.xml

To use this addon, you must add it as a dependency in the pom.xml of your forge-addon classified artifact: (Make sure the dependency is put all the way to the left, and uses 3 spaces for indentation of GAV)



ABCFactory for simple ABC blah

Allows for blah blah

@Inject private ABCFactory factory;
ABC abc = factory.createABC();

If your addon uses a container that does not support "@Inject" annotations, services such as the ABCFactory may also be accessed via the AddonRegistry:

Imported<ABCFactory> imported = addonRegistry.getServices(ABCFactory.class);
ABCFactory factory = imported.get();
Creating a new XYZ instance

Causes XYZ to occur

XYZ xyz = factory.createXYZ();