
A Quarkus-powered GitHub App to simplify issues and pull requests management in the Quarkus project.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Quarkus Bot

A Quarkus-powered GitHub App to simplify issues and pull requests management in the Quarkus project.


This GitHub App is based on the Quarkus GitHub App framework.

It can be run as a native executable.

Current Actions

Check pull request editorial rules

This action checks that the title of a pull request respects some editorial rules to make Release Notes more consistent.

Triage issues

Based on the .github/quarkus-bot-java.yml file, this rule affects labels to issues and also pings the appropriate people.

Syntax of the .github/quarkus-bot-java.yml file is as follows:

    - labels: [area/amazon-lambda]
      title: "lambda"
      notify: [patriot1burke, matejvasek]
        - extensions/amazon-lambda
        - integration-tests/amazon-lambda
    - labels: [area/persistence]
      title: "db2"
      notify: [aguibert]
        - extensions/reactive-db2-client/
        - extensions/jdbc/jdbc-db2/

For issues, each rule can be triggered by:

  • title - if the title matches this regular expression (case insensitively), trigger the rule

  • body - if the body (i.e. description) matches this regular expression (case insensitively), trigger the rule

  • titleBody - if either the title or the body (i.e. description) match this regular expression (case insensitively), trigger the rule

  • expression - allows to write a Jakarta EL expression testing title, body or titleBody. Be careful when writing expressions, better ping @gsmet in the pull request when creating/updating an expression.


When writing expressions, you can use the matches(String pattern, String string) function that behaves as follows:

public static boolean matches(String pattern, String string) {
    return Pattern.compile(".*" + pattern + ".*", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(string)

A rule using an expression based on matches() would look like:

    - labels: [area/hibernate-orm, area/persistence]
      expression: |
              matches("hibernate", title)
              && !matches("hibernate.validator", title)
              && !matches("hibernate.search", title)
              && !matches("hibernate.reactive", title)
      notify: [gsmet, Sanne, yrodiere]

If the rule is triggered, the following actions will be executed:

  • notify - will create a comment pinging the users listed in the array

  • labels - will add the labels to the issue

Triage pull requests

The pull requests triage action uses the same configuration file as the issues triage action.

There are a few differences though as it doesn’t behave in the exact same way.

For pull requests, each rule can be triggered by:

  • directories - if any file in the commits of the pull requests match, trigger the rule. This is not a regexp (it uses startsWith) but glob type expression are supported too extensions/test/**.

If the rule is triggered, the following action will be executed:

  • labels - will add the labels to the issue

  • notify - will create a comment pinging the users listed in the array only if notifyInPullRequest is true

Affect milestones

When a pull request is merged, if it targets the master branch, it affects the milestone ending with ` - master` to the pull request and the issues resolved by the pull request (e.g. Fixes #1234).

It only affects the milestone is no milestone has been affected prior to the merge. If the milestone cannot be affected, we add a comment to the pull request indicating the items for which we haven’t affected the milestone.

Mark closed pull requests as invalid

If a pull request is closed without being merged, we automatically add the triage/invalid label to the pull request.


To participate to the development of this GitHub App, create a playground project in your own org and follow the steps outlined in the Quarkus GitHub App documentation.

GitHub permissions required:

  • Issues - Read & Write

  • Pull Requests - Read & Write

  • Contents - Read

By default, in dev mode, the Bot runs in dry-run so it’s logging its actions but do not perform them. You can override this behavior by adding _DEV_QUARKUS_BOT_DRY_RUN=false to your .env file.


Once logged in to the OpenShift cluster (using oc login…​), just run:

$ ./deploy-to-openshift.sh


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.