Discord Support Bot

Discord python

This github contains the code to quickly set up a support bot. When a person sends an mp to this bot, this message is forwarded to a discord server, and this by creating a lounge in a category. It will then be possible to answer the person by writing in this room. This bot also retransmits all the files transmitted on both sides.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine for testing purposes and production.



  • Download the project from github
$ git clone https://github.com/gastbob40/discord_support_bot
  • Go in the created folder, create an virtual environment and run it
$ cd discord_support_bot
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/Scripts/activate
  • Install the bot dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup the bot

Discord Configuration

You must use a discord server for using this bot. You must also create a category in this server.

File Configuration

You can see that the run folder contains another folder, the config folder.

You can see an configuration example, as this:

prefix: '?'
token: ~

guild_id: ~
category_id: ~
  • The prefix is the prefix for trigger the bot (for close channels).

  • The token is the token of your bot. You can get here

  • The guild_id is the id of the guild where the bot will send messages. You must activate the Developer Mode option in your discord. After, right click of the guild icon to get its id.

  • The category_id is the id of the category where the bot will create channels. You can get it by right clicking on a category.

Run the Bot

You will have just to start the bot, by tapping:

python index.py

Bot's Commands.

This bot doesn't have much command. You can just type [prefix]close in a channel to close it.


Discord Support Bot was developed by gastbob40.