
R package arcdiagram

Primary LanguageR


arcdiagram is a minimalist package that provides a basic function to plot pretty arc diagrams in R.


As a Data Science and Statistics educator, I love to share the work I do. Each month I spend dozens of hours curating learning materials and computational tools like this R package. If you find any value and usefulness in arcdiagram, please consider making a one-time donation---via paypal---in any amount (e.g. the amount you would spend inviting me a coffee or any other drink). Your support really matters.


arcdiagram is only available in github (but not in CRAN). To install the development version, use install_github() from R package "devtools":

# install 'arcdiagram' (development version)

Some Examples


# create a star graph with 10 nodes
star_graph = graph.star(10, mode="out")

# extract edgelist
star_edges = get.edgelist(star_graph)

# inspect star_edges

# plot 1: default arc diagram

# plot 2: show nodes as circles, in decreasing order
arcplot(star_edges, show.nodes=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE, las=1)

# plot 3: different ordering, arc widths, arc colors, and node sizes
arcplot(star_edges, ordering=sample(1:10), labels=paste("node",1:10,sep="-"),
   lwd.arcs=4*runif(10,.5,2), col.arcs=hsv(runif(9,0.6,0.8),alpha=0.4),
   show.nodes=TRUE, pch.nodes=21, cex.nodes=runif(10,1,3), 
   col.nodes="gray80", bg.nodes="gray90", lwd.nodes=2)
# plot 4: same as plot 3 but vertically oriented
op = par(mar = c(0.5, 5, 0.5, 3))
arcplot(star_edges, ordering=sample(1:10), horizontal=FALSE,
   lwd.arcs=4*runif(10,.5,2), col.arcs=hsv(runif(9,0.6,0.8),alpha=0.4),
   show.nodes=TRUE, pch.nodes=21, cex.nodes=runif(10,1,3), 
   col.nodes="gray80", bg.nodes="gray90", lwd.nodes=2)