
:pizza: Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile friendly Vue.js modal.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue.js modal

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Simple to use, highly customizable, mobile-friendly Vue.js 2.0+ modal with SSR support. http://vue-js-modal.yev.io/


Demo: http://vue-js-modal.yev.io/


npm install vue-js-modal --save

How to use

Include plugin in your main.js file.

import VModal from 'vue-js-modal'


By default, the plugin will use "modal" name for the component.
If you need to change it, you can do so by providing "componentName" param.


Vue.use(VModal, { componentName: "foo-modal" })
<foo-modal name="bar"></foo-modal>

Create modal:

<modal name="hello-world">
  hello, world!

Call it from anywhere in the app:

methods: {
  show () {
  hide () {

You can easily send data into the modal:

this.$modal.show('hello-world', { foo: 'bar' })

And receive it in beforeOpen event handler:

<modal name="hello-world" @before-open="beforeOpen"/>
methods: {
  beforeOpen (event) {

If you use Bower package manager - you will have to initialize library differently:



It is a simplified version of the modal, which has most parameters set by default and is pretty useful for quick prototyping, showing alerts or creating mobile-like modals.

To start using <v-dialog/> you must set dialog: true in plugin configuration:

Vue.use(VModal, { dialog: true })

And include it in your project:


Call it (all params except of “text” are optional):

this.$modal.show('dialog', {
  title: 'Alert!',
  text: 'You are too awesome',
  buttons: [
      title: 'Deal with it',
      handler: () => { alert('Woot!') }
      title: '',       // Button title
      default: true,    // Will be triggered by default if 'Enter' pressed.
      handler: () => {} // Button click handler
      title: 'Close'

Dynamic Modals

In order to instantiate modals at runtime (for lazy-loading or decluttering templates), it is possible to create modals dynamically.

To start using this feature you must set dynamic: true in plugin configuration:

Vue.use(VModal, { dynamic: true, dynamicDefaults: { clickToClose: false } })

And include the <modals-container/> component it in your project:


Alternatively, the modals container can be automatically appended to the document body once the plugin is loaded using injectModalsContainer: true:

Vue.use(VModal, { dynamic: true, injectModalsContainer: true })

Call it (the first argument is the component definition, the second are component properties, the third modal parameters, and the fourth the modal event listeners):

  template: `
      <h1>This is created inline</h1>
      <p>{{ text }}</p>
  props: ['text']
}, {
  text: 'This text is passed as a property'
}, {
  height: 'auto'
}, {
  'before-close': (event) => { console.log('this will be called before the modal closes'); }

It can also be used with .vue files:

import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue'

this.$modal.show(MyComponent, {
  text: 'This text is passed as a property'
}, {
  draggable: true

Other than defining the name modal parameter, it's also possible to close dynamic modals emitting a 'close' event:

  template: `
      <p>Close using this button:</p>
      <button @click="$emit('close')">Close</button>

If using the injectModalsContainer flag, the first mounted Vue instance without parents will be treated as the application root. This is only important to keep in mind if more than one root Vue instance is being used, which is unlikely. But if that's the case, the root to use can be indicated with the root parameter when invoking dynamic modals or modifying this plugin's rootInstance attribute:

import App from './App.vue'
import VModal from 'vue-js-modal'

const app1 = new Vue({
  el: '#app-1',
  render: h => h(App)

const app2 = new Vue({
  el: '#app-2',
  render: h => h(App)

VModal.rootInstance = app2

It is possible to set default property values for dynamic modals.


import VueJsModal from 'plugin'

Vue.use(VueJsModal, {
  dynamic: true,
  dynamicDefaults: {
    foo: 'foo'
    showDynamicRuntimeModal () {
        template: `
          <div class="example-modal-content">
            <p>{{ text }}</p>
            <p>Default Property: {{ foo }} - value is "foo"</p>
        props: ['text', 'foo']
      }, {
        text: 'This text is passed as a property'

For more examples please take a look at vue-js-modal.yev.io.

Note: keep in mind that there are some limitations in using dynamic modals. If you need full functionality then use ordinary modal instead.


Include plugin in your nuxt.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['~plugins/vue-js-modal']

And your plugins/vue-js-modal.js will look like:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VModal from 'vue-js-modal/dist/ssr.index'


For full demo please look at demo/server_side_rendering

Extracted CSS

There is also an SSR build with CSS file extracted. Take a look in /dist folder.


Name Required Type Default Description
name true [String, Number] Name of the modal
delay false Number 0 Delay between showing overlay and actual modal box
resizable false Boolean false If true allows resizing the modal window, keeping it in the center of the screen.
adaptive false Boolean false If true, modal box will try to adapt to the window size
draggable false [Boolean, String] false If true, modal box will be draggable.
scrollable false Boolean false If height property is auto and the modal height exceeds window height - you will be able to scroll modal
reset false Boolean false Resets position and size before showing modal
clickToClose false Boolean true If set to false, it will not be possible to close modal by clicking on the background
transition false String Transition name
overlayTransition false String 'overlay-fade' Transition name for the background overlay
classes false [String, Array] 'v--modal' Classes that will be applied to the modal box, if not specified, the default v--modal class will be applied
styles false [String, Array, Object] Style that will be applied to the modal box (currently only supports strings)
width false [String, Number] 600 Width in pixels or percents (e.g. 50 or "50px", "50%")
height false [String, Number] 300 Height in pixels or percents (e.g. 50 or "50px", "50%") or "auto"
minWidth false Number (px) 0 The minimum width to which modal can be resized
minHeight false Number (px) 0 The minimum height to which modal can be resized
maxWidth false Number (px) Infinity The maximum width of the modal (if the value is greater than window width, window width will be used instead
maxHeight false Number (px) Infinity The maximum height of the modal (if the value is greater than window height, window height will be used instead
pivotX false Number (0 - 1.0) 0.5 Horizontal position in %, default is 0.5 (meaning that modal box will be in the middle (50% from left) of the window
pivotY false Number (0 - 1.0) 0.5 Vertical position in %, default is 0.5 (meaning that modal box will be in the middle (50% from top) of the window
root false Vue instance null Root instance to obtain modal container from. This property is only necessary when using dynamic modals with more than one root instance, which is uncommon


Name Description
before-open Emits while modal is still invisible, but was added to the DOM
opened Emits after modal became visible or started transition
before-close Emits before modal is going to be closed. Can be stopped from the event listener calling event.stop() (example: you are creating a text editor, and want to stop closing and ask the user to correct mistakes if the text is not valid)
closed Emits right before modal is destroyed


  <modal name="example"
export default {
  name: 'ExampleModal',
  data () {
    return {
      time: 0,
      duration: 5000
  methods: {
    beforeOpen (event) {
      // Set the opening time of the modal
      this.time = Date.now()
    beforeClose (event) {
      // If modal was open less then 5000 ms - prevent closing it
      if (this.time + this.duration < Date.now()) {

Example with a dynamic modal:

export default {
  name: 'ExampleModal',
  data () {
    return {
      time: 0,
      duration: 5000
  methods: {
    openModal () {
        template: `<b>{{time}}</b>`,
        props: ['time']
      }, {
        time: this.time
      }, {
        width: 300,
        height: 300
      }, {
        'before-open': this.beforeOpen,
        'before-close': this.beforeClose
    beforeOpen (event) {
      // Set the opening time of the modal
      this.time = Date.now()
    beforeClose (event) {
      // If modal was open less then 5000 ms - prevent closing it
      if (this.time + this.duration < Date.now()) {

This example initializes time variable every time the modal is being opened. And then forbids closing it for the next 5000 ms


Height: "auto"

From v1.2.6 height can be set to "auto". If you want to be able to scroll modal in case it's height exceeds window height - you can set flag scrollable="true".

p.s. scrollable will only work with height="auto".


<modal name="foo" height="auto" :scrollable="true">...</modal>

Auto height:

Scrollable content & auto height:

Close button

If you want to have a Close (x) button in the top-right corner, you can use "top-right" slot for it. There is deliberately no predefined Close button style - you will have to implement/use your own button.


  <modal name="foo">

    <div slot="top-right">
      <button @click="$modal.hide('foo')">

    Hello, ☀️!


Draggable handler

Draggable property can accept not only Boolean but also String parameters. With String value, you can specify a CSS selector to the element which will be a "handler" for dragging.


<modal name="bar" draggable=".window-header">
  <div class="window-header">DRAG ME HERE</div>
     Hello, 🌎!

Overlay background color

If you want to change overlay background color, you can easily do it using CSS.

For all modals:

.v--modal-overlay {
  background: red;

For specific modal:

.v--modal-overlay[data-modal="my_modal_name"] {
  background: transparent;


<modal name="fs" :adaptive="true" width="100%" height="100%">
Dont forget about close button :)

Check out

Check out my other projects:


To run an example:

# Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/euvl/vue-js-modal.git

# Run unit tests
npm run unit

# Run linter
npm run lint

# Build main library for client & SSR
cd vue-js-modal
npm install
npm run build

# Build and run demo
cd demo/client_side_rendering
npm install
npm run dev

Unit Testing in Vue 2.0 using Jest

Include the plugin to your <Component>.spec.js.

For example: If you're using the plugin in your Main component, then you should include the plugin to your Main.spec.js file.

import VModal from 'vue-js-modal'
