
Ansible playbook and roles for creating SEPIA servers.

CentOS 7 Python 3 & Django Ansible Playbooks and Roles

This repository holds Ansible playbooks and roles for configuring Python 3 & Django servers. You should be able to clone the repository and follow these steps to get a server up and running; this has been tested with Digital Ocean droplets.

You'll want to come up with a service account name that you'll use in place of your_project_ansible_user. After cloning this repository, edit ansible.cfg and change remote_user = your_project_ansible_user with the username you will use.

Preparing a Destination Server

The destination server will need to be kickstarted with CentOS 7. Log in as root to your freshly created Digital Ocean droplet (you used SSH keys, right?), and create a user called your_project_ansible_user on the destination server:

adduser your_project_ansible_user
passwd your_project_ansible_user
usermod -aG wheel your_project_ansible_user
chmod 640 /etc/sudoers

Then edit /etc/sudoers. Comment out the line that says # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL and uncomment the line that says %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL. Then let's become the your_project_ansible_user user, and generate keys:

su - your_project_ansible_user

You will then need to add your public key from your host control machine to your_project_ansible_user's authorized keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:

echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAv+IdIP7geRsOXUz7scIKTwkfxJ3J7UelRObTifdnmCHR6s53+irm9uVBP8se2IH1Vw4ETfjtdzI4vHce1lYwFVQx9V9cmKFyxCnroV7bTx6EPQ2WqkpAOfM5IGG7vGnrX3M0MPLrA0T8XrhPpCzM2GfNR8fqOQiPROP5blahblahblahblahblah5TQknqu7/twBtXuMpKakR4Vo08cq1MBJI8akEG/tzppoeYuRY8BzKqJVD+2Gp1RgBVsXLxX2W9ng6cFAHTRxs65koTWyVLCCCXsP54X4UqJRy1x5/PumL1VJn8LvXTGcOyfyFSBLClQ== you@yourdomain.com" >> .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Getting started

Clone this repository.

git clone git@github.com:FlipperPA/sepia-ansible.git
cd sepia-ansible

Deploy the dev environment:

ansible-playbook playbooks/web-py.yml

Show some servers:

ansible centos-7 --list-hosts
ansible web-py --list-hosts

Run some commands; shell is required for arguments and shell functions (command runs without the target user's shell):

ansible all -m command -a uptime -i inventory
ansible all -m shell -oa 'ps -eaf'
ansible rhel-7 -m copy -a 'content="Welcome to SEPIA, Ansiblized.\n" dest=/etc/motd' -u apache --become --become-user root

Documentation: list help section, show documentation for specific command (with examples!):

ansible-doc -l
ansible-doc yum