
Iteratee-based streaming library from a free monad

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


I HAVE RENAMED THIS PACKAGE. It is now called tubes and its repository may be found here. and it will be receiving active updates. This repository is now obsolete.

Iteratee-based streaming library from a free monad. This exists solely for my own understanding of functions, pairs, and the interesting things you can derive automatically by combining the two.

If this library also happens to be useful to anyone, even better.

Haddock documentation is available at http://niltag.net/FreeStream.

(c) 2014, 2015 Gatlin Johnson gatlin@niltag.net


The following are snippets run in ghci.

ghci> run $ for (each [1..4] >< map show) (lift . putStrLn)
ghci> reduce (+) 0 id (each [1..10])

We can define a Source and a Sink for stdin and stdout, respectively:

prompt :: Source String IO ()
prompt = do
    lift . putStr $ "> "
    eof <- lift isEOF
    unless eof $ do
        str <- lift getLine
        yield str

print :: Sink String IO ()
print = forever $ do
    it <- await
    lift . putStrLn $ it

And write interactive pipelines:

ghci> let echo = prompt >< print
ghci> run echo
> ping
> pong
ghci> run $ prompt >< filter (/= "Die Antwoord") >< map (++ " sucks") >< print
> dubstep
dubstep sucks
> the sun
the sun sucks
> Die Antwoord
> this program
this program sucks

Parallelism and Concurrency

This is incomplete but worth bringing up.

For this example we have a source of Int values

nums :: Monad m => Source Int m ()
nums = each [1,2,3]

and some tasks which transform Ints:

doubleIt :: Monad m => Tube Int String m ()
doubleIt = forever $ do
    n <- await
    yield . show $ n * 2

squareIt :: Monad m => Tube Int String m ()
squareIt = forever $ do
    n <- await
    yield . show $ n * n

And, just to make things a little more interesting, some super-important final task:

obvious :: Monad m => Tube String String m ()
obvious = cat >< map (++ " is a number")

We can split and merge streams like so:

ghci> run $ nums *< [ squareIt, doubleIt ] >* obvious >< print
1 is a number
4 is a number
9 is a number
2 is a number
4 is a number
6 is a number

This is primitive at the moment but it will work for any Functor, such as those which fmap in parallel or concurrently. I think this is exciting.

Extended example: Arithmetic parsing

I have written a more elaborate reverse-Polish notation (RPN) calculator example to showcase the utility of stream processing pipelines for realistic tasks.


Free Monads

This library is built using a free monad construction. Before you run away screaming just give this a shot:

Conceptually, a monad is always in one of two states: representing a pure value (which is what return does) or a continuation function wrapping another monadic value (this is related to what >>= does).1

In practice, most monad instances take advantage of the properties of the type being monad-ified and while they are equivalent to this conceptual understanding, they're a bit more direct.

However, you can create a type which implements a very generic monad instance and relies on another functor's fmap function:

data Free f a = Pure a | Wrap (f (Free f a))

So if you have a functor with several different value constructors, then they give you information to use when evaluating Free values.

Intuitively, a free monad constructs a command language out of any functor, treating that functor's different variants as the grammar.

This library makes use of the free package which provides code very similar to this, with some performance optimizations and more advanced options. At the heart of it, though, is something very similar to my Free example.

The central type is TubeF, a functor representing the two states a streaming pipeline can be in: yielding a value downstream, or awaiting a value from upstream. My definition is a bit different but equivalent to the following:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data TubeF a b k
    = Await (a -> k)
    | Yield (b,   k)
    deriving (Functor)

Then the free package is used to convert this into the Tube type. Thus, a Tube can be in one of three states: Await-ing an upstream value; Yield-ing a value downstream; or returning some Pure value.

Dropping the Boehm

Here is my actual definition of TubeF:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, Rank2Types #-}
newtype TubeF a b k = TubeF {
    runT :: forall r.
            ((a -> k) -> r)
         -> ((b,   k) -> r)
         -> r
} deriving (Functor)

awaitF :: (a -> k) -> TubeF a b k
awaitF f = TubeF $ \a _ -> a f

yieldF :: (b, k) -> TubeF a b k
yieldF x k = TubeF $ \_ y -> y (x, k)

This may not make much sense. Let's take a look at a simpler type: boolean values. We can write our own like this:

data NaiveBoolean = T | F

if' :: NaiveBoolean -> a -> a -> a
if' (T) then' _ = then'
if' (F) _ else' = else'

Depending on which NaiveBoolean value is received by if', a choice is selected from two options.

Really, T is a function which selects the first of two options, and F selects the second. So let's define an alternate representation:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
newtype Boolean = Boolean {
    if' :: forall k. k -> k -> k

-- Picks the first option
_t :: Boolean
_t = Boolean $ \t _ -> t

-- Picks the second option
_f :: Boolean
_f = Boolean $ \_ f -> f

one = if' _t 1 2 -- == 1
two = if' _f 1 2 -- == 2

if' and Boolean are really just optimization hints to the compiler, and conveniences for the programmer. They are optimized away; the second and third arguments to if' are simply handed over to the value wrapped inside Boolean.

Data is control; control is data.

This is called a Boehm-Berarducci encoding. Instead of building up a mountain of Yields and Awaits wrapping each other, which can waste memory and slow down execution, the state of the Tube dictates which of two alternatives it will take.2

The point ... ?

You can get very powerful behavior from concepts as simple as unary functions and binary products. Simple compositions of the two result in side-effecting, stateful, suspendable stream processing pipelines.

This library is an examination of these (and hopefully, eventually, other) implications and discoveries.



Questions? Comments? Bugs?

Use the Issues feature of GitHub to send me bugs. For all other inquiries, please send mail to gatlin@niltag.net with "Tubes" somewhere in the subject line.

Some terms and ideas were stolen from Gabriel Gonzalez, author of the pipes library.


  1. If this seems eerily like how you define a list - an empty start state or a value paired with another list - then lookup the term "monoidal".

  2. It is also sometimes called a "Church encoding" after Alonzo Church; however, with all due respect to the man, he was dealing with an untyped calculus, whereas Boehm and Berarducci were dealing with a typed lambda calculus.