
dotfiles, patches, etc

Primary LanguageC


My desktop configuration at present is semi-automated.

There are three kinds of configuration captured here:

  1. dotfiles in dotfiles/,
  2. patches / source code mods in depot/ (see below), and
  3. custom scripts I have written over time.


For package management and source code management:

  • GNU stow
  • git

Utilities assumed by various scripts and configs:

  • fzf
  • rg
  • urlscan
  • w3m and its w3mimg image loading extensions
  • newsboat
  • awk / grep / the usual gang


For each package $PKG in dotfiles/ you install it by running:

> stow -t $HOME $PKG

Exception: Firefox

The Firefox custom stylesheet is tricky to place automatically since once of its enclosing directories is a "profile ID" which may change. It will simply need to be placed in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/[PROFILEID]/chrome.


Some applications such as dwm, st, slock, and others are distributed as source code with the intention that the end-user will build the package manually. The intended way to customize or extend them is to edit the code and apply patches. (Information about this way of doing things.) Fortunately they almost all follow the same conventions.

Each $PKG in depot/ corresponds to source code checked out at $HOME/code/$PKG. To install a given $PKG,

> stow -t $HOME/code/$PKG $PKG
> cd $HOME/code/$PKG
> # ... apply any patches ...
> make
> make PREFIX=/home/gcj/.local install # see note below

Note: different packages may require marginally different arguments to make so see their specific README first.


I have written helper scripts to assist with wifi and bluetooth connections, generate passwords, and generate fullwidth text (among other concerns). Since .local/bin is in my shell PATH all of my scripts are installed there with one command:

> stow -t $HOME scripts