
A utility to generate benchmark data of varying sizes with similar complexity

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Gatsby's benchmark data generator

Generates JSON or MDX files, with a datashape resembling a typical article, into the current directory.

oclif Version Downloads/week License


$ npm install -g willit
$ willit COMMAND
running command...
$ willit (-v|--version|version)
willit/1.0.0 darwin-x64 node-v12.13.1
$ willit --help [COMMAND]
  $ willit COMMAND



willit --level=1

The level is the amount of articles to generate. Each level correlates to the number of times to double starting our base number of 512. So Level 1 = 512, Level 2 = 1024, Level 3 = 2048, etc


willit --num-pages=512

num-pages allows a specific number of articles to be generated. It overrides level if both are used.


willit type="mdx" --level=1

There are three types currently, json, mdx, or md. json is the default and will generate JSON files into a data directory. mdx and md will generate temporary JSON files and then convert them to MDX in a src/articles directory.


willit --use-pregenerated-data --level=1 --type="mdx"

This fetches pre-generated data from the repo instead of generating on the fly. num-pages works if there's a corresponding pregenerated data-set for the number set. See ./src/data/articles/ for available pregenerated datasets