
Auto Hot Key scripts

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT

AutoHotKey2 scripts

Some convenient Auto Hot Key scripts I've assembled/written for making Windows a little easier to use. Credit due to original sources cited in comments.

AHK Documentation: https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/AutoHotkey.htm


AHK Installation (get latest version): https://www.autohotkey.com/download/2.0/ The Version 2.0 was updated to use braces for functions and &var for references, so make sure your version of AHK 2.0 is up to date. Also note: The AHK 2.0 executable is no longer named AutoHotkeyU64.exe, it's now just AutoHotkey64.exe, so this update might break scripts.

Clone repo to a semi-permanent location, and make sure AutoHotkey is in your path.

Run open_startup_folder.bat and create a shortcut to start.bat in this folder (right click drag into Startup folder). If you have other scripts you want to run, just add them to start.bat.

An alternative method would be copy all the scripts into one big .ahk file.

SAS / Stata runner for VS Code

If you use VS Code to edit SAS/Stata programs, the two scripts herein allow for running code directly from VSCode. This uses Code Runner extension, so install that extension too.


In your settings.json file, add the following (note the escaped quotes around the .ahk full-paths):

"code-runner.executorMapByFileExtension": {
        ".do": "AutoHotkey64.exe \"C:/[PATH TO THIS REPO]/stata.ahk\"",
        ".ado": "AutoHotkey64.exe \"C:/[PATH TO THIS REPO]/stata.ahk\"",
        ".sas": "AutoHotkey64.exe \"C:/[PATH TO THIS REPO]/sas.ahk\""

Note: The AHK 2.0 executable is no longer named AutoHotkeyU64.exe, it's now just AutoHotkey64.exe, so this update might break scripts.

To get SAS working, you have one more step. Open SAS, and edit your Keys file (Tools --> Options --> Keys). Add the following to your Keys file for F3: gsubmit buffer=default; You can add it to any key command, just make sure to change sas.ahk as well to reflect the key you choose (change the Send "{F3}" line).