
Script to scrape data and automatically fill preference form for PS2

Primary LanguageJava

Note: I have solved the issues reported for PS2 Sem1 20/21. Please create an issue if you encounter any further problems, with accurate decriptions and error logs(if possible).

Make sure you have java installed on your machine

download link: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk11-downloads-5066655.html


Running executable

  1. Download the repo ZIP
  2. Chrome compatibility:
    The chromedriver used is dependent on your os and chrome browser version. Check here and download accordingly: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
    After downloading, paste the executable and overwrite(if any) in the drivers folder.
  3. Go into the root directory of the project and run from terminal/cmd
    • For downloading the station data
      run java -jar PS2_FormFiller-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --fetch <username> <password>
    • It will be saved in data folder.
    • Just bulk sort/filter the downloaded csv file in Excel, with a few manual rearrangements if needed, and the next step will fill the form in this order.
    • IMP : After editing the csv in Excel DONT SAVE AS XLSX. Only save as CSV as it messes up with the format and will give you an error.
    • IMP : Before running the upload part please re-download the jar file(if you have downloaded on or before 18th Nov) as it has some minor improvements and fetch again because new stations have been added.
    • To fill the form from your edited sheet
      run java -jar PS2_FormFiller-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar --upload <username> <password> <path to modified pref sheet>
    • Then save your preferences.
      • Older versions: You might get an exception at the end of the swapping. Please ignore and proceed by manually saving all the preferences.
    • NOTE: After running the script please manually check if there are minor discrepancies because there is faulty data in the psd website.

For Windows(in case you are facing difficulties):

how to open cmd

how to open cmd

cmd example

cmd example

Minor Issues

  • Also, set permissions for the csv file while filling form. Might give access denied error. Edit from the properties->security tab or try placing the file elsewhere(for e.g. Desktop).
  • Some PS stations have their stipend/location data exchanged(website's fault). So when sorted wrt stipend/location, please manually sort them out.

Building from source

  1. Fork/clone the repo
  2. Setup Maven
  3. cd into project repo root
  4. run mvn clean compile assembly:single