Project Name

Brief description of your project.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you on how to set up the project on your local machine.

Cloning the Repository


git clone


git clone

Setting up ReactJS

Install Dependencies:

cd frontend
npm install

Start the React App:

npm start

Setting up Backend (Node.js)

Install Dependencies:

cd backend
npm install

Start the Backend Server:

npm start

Environment Variables

Handling Environment Variables

  1. Create Environment Variables File:

    • Create a file named .env in the backend directory.
    • Add your environment variables in the format: MONGODB_URI=YOUR_MONGODB_URI.
  2. Load Environment Variables:

    • Use a package like dotenv to load environment variables from the .env file.

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/startups/search?keyword=Technology&industry=Technology:

    • Description: Search startups based on keyword and industry.
    • Request Method: GET
    • Parameters:
      • keyword: Keyword for search
      • industry: Industry for filtering
    • Response: Details of startups matching the criteria.
  • GET /api/getIndustry:

    • Description: Get industry information.
    • Request Method: GET
    • Response: Information about different industries.
  • GET /api/startups:

    • Description: Get all startups.
    • Request Method: GET
    • Response: Details of all available startups.
  • POST /api/startups:

    • Description: post new startup.
    • Request Method: POST
    • Response: Details of new startup.

Add more details or descriptions about each endpoint, request methods, expected responses, etc.


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