
Code for the geektrust war challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

install project

use npm install to install required node packages Below node modules are used

  1. yargs - for easy command line input handling
  2. mocha - as the test framework
  3. expect - test library

Testing Application

Application can be tested by executing npm test in the console

  • Sample test cases cover the scenarios given during the challenge as expected input and output
  • Custom input can be given using below methods:
    • METHOD 1. By providing input via the input.txt file as per problem statement Ex: FALICORNIA_ATTACK 100H 101E 20AT 5SG
    • METHOD 2. By executing the app.js file using node app.js with required command and inputs
      • use --help for command help menu and usage instruction in the console
    • METHOD 3. By executing npm start PATH_TO_INPUT_FILE, in case input file path is not provided, the default input.txt file is used to execute the app