- pytorch: 1.0.0
- python: 3.7.1
- tensorflow: 1.13.1 (only needed for converting BERT-tensorflow-model to pytorch-model)
- numpy: 1.15.4
- nltk
- sklearn
Since the link given in the dataset released paper has failed, we use the dataset mirror listed in NLP-progress and fix some mistakes (there are duplicate aspect data in several sentences). See directory: data/sentihood/
I changed the sentence pair task to a single sentence task where we add the aspect after the location and then we train the model to predict from {None, positive, negative}
Run following commands to prepare datasets for tasks:
cd generate/
python3 generate_sentihood.py
We have provided different models for using bert use bert_model.py, for using distilbert use model.py
For example, BERT-pair-NLI_M task on SentiHood dataset:
python model.py --num_epochs 10 --max_seq_length 512
## Step 3: evaluation
Evaluate the results on test set (calculate Acc, F1, etc.).
python evaluation.py --pred_data_dir results/test_ep_4.txt