
Note-keeping of some CTF stuff.



  1. SSTV / Robot36 - https://github.com/victim1307/CTF/blob/main/DCTF2021/extraterrestrial.md (slow scan Television to send monochrome/color images over waves)
  2. Password protected Zip files - fcrackzip (https://github.com/hyc/fcrackzip) - braindead program for cracking zip archives
  3. h8mail - Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services.
  4. YY-chr : YY-CHR is a CHR editor by a Japanese Mario hacker named YY. It's for multiple consoles and handhelds, and has more features than Tile Layer Pro (for GameBoy .gb files)


  1. Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) - SSTI Injection (https://github.com/xxonorg/dCTF2021_Writeup/blob/main/Injection.md)
  2. Nessus - to scan home network
  3. theharvester - theharvester -d codingliquids.com -b google Finds everything about a website on google(and other special sites to manage the website's server that is publicly available on the internet).
  4. nmap - nmap -sn LINK/24 (use ip instead of link) 24-->keep constant 24 bits and change last no 0-->255 8 bits IP 8bits.8bits.8bits.8bits xxx.xxx.xxx.yyy keeping x's constant varying y's nmap searches active ip addressees before and after you. Port scanning: nmap poppy.eh.codingliquids.com -p8000-9000 //TO SEARCH ports etween 8000 and 9000 //80 is defult port
  5. Postman - Sending GET/POST requests with modified headers and authorisation tokens (https://github.com/fatihsencer/ctf.lib/tree/main/dCTF/web/secure_api)
  6. Hashing - Tiger 128,4 - https://github.com/xxonorg/dCTF2021_Writeup/blob/main/Very%20Secure%20Website.md Magic Hashes (for PHP collisions where == is used instead of ===) - https://github.com/spaze/hashes
  7. OWASP Juice Shop - https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop - For pentesting (insecure website)
  8. Sublist3r - For finding subdomains
  9. crt.sh - Another tool for subdomain enumeration
  10. securityheaders.com - Analysis of HTTP headers on websites
  11. jwt_tool - Toolkit for tweaking, testing and cracking JSON Web Tokens.


  1. WORD document can have macros in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7IJjnLGqTQ Use oletools to extract macro (command: olevba -c word.docm)
  2. PNG Specifications
  3. Depix - Depixelate images to recover text/data
  4. Password cracking hashcat - fast af passwd reovery utility rockyou.txt - a wordlist; has passwords for bruteorcing John The Ripper - Open Source password security auditing and password recovery tool
  5. x64dbg - Open source Debugger for Windows


  1. Stegseek - Fastest steghide cracker