Name | Tech | Production Link |
Backend | Node/Express/PostgreSQL/GraphQL | |
Frontend MVP | Pure HTML/CSS/javaScript | |
Frontend V2 | React/Apollo/GraphQL/Tailwind | |
First version of the backend is implemented with Node + Express server that provides REST API for vanila frontend.
Backend is deployed on Digital Ocean and it uses PostgreSQL Database to store the data.
For the V2, GraphQL is integrated into existing backend because of its subscription model. It basically enables the display of the rating in real-time over websocket.
Apart from Subscription, V2 also provides Query/Mutation for operations.
GraphQL playground is available here
# Quickstart cd ~/backend yarn install # start dependencies first yarn start # Start the server on port 8080 # Make sure postgres is running and node/yarn is install
This frontend is purely implemented with HTML/CSS/JS without any library or framework.
It uses REST API to connect to backend.
It uses latest browser features such as ES6 Template Literals, async/await and Fetch API. For best possible results please run it on latest Chrome browser.
Vanila frontend is deployed on Netlify.
# Quickstart cd ~/frontend_vanilla yarn install http-server -g # install simple http-server http-server # Start the app on port 8081
V2 Frontend is built using React(Create React App).
It uses GraphQL(Apollo lib) to connect to backend.
It uses GraphQL's Subscription over websocket to display reviews in real-time.
Most of the styling is done using tailwind css.
It is also deployed on Netlify and tests are running on GitHub actions.
# Quickstart cd ~/frontend_react yarn install # install dependencies yarn start # Start the app on port 3000