
Repo for World Bank's CRP analysis for member cities


CRP_Stats.ipynb : Notebook has code for generating basic and extended stats for CRP cities. There is also a function that plots the graph

Data_from_Drive.ipynb : Notebook for getting the data from google drive. Easier for folks to download and upload the data to same repository for CRP City Scan work.

POI_Ulaanbaatar.ipynb : Notebook for obtaining point of interest in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia using pandana and create accessbility maps for them.

Road_Density.ipynb : Notebook uses OSM data and calculates the number of intersections in each fishnet cell. It then creates a density map for the cities.

SIDS_SeaLevelRiseAnalysis.ipynb : Noteebok has the code for sea level rise analysis for SIDS. It shoes the impact of sea level rise on Population, Road Network and Points of Interest.

SqaureMilePlots.ipynb : Square Mile plots are good presentation starters. Using OSMNX, this notebook generates sqaure mile plots for CRP cities.