
Demo app for SenchaCON 2013 session - Enterprise Grade Analytics using Sencha Touch Charts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SenchaCON Charts Demo

Build Instructions - SenchaCON-Charts-Demo-App


  • Tomcat v7.0.3 for deployment.
  • MySQL 5.5 for Database server.
  • Maven 3.x for building the application.
  • Secha-SDK-Tools 2.0 beta or newer for building application.
  • Eclipse

Database Setup

  • Install MySQL 5.5 or later.
  • Setup a user with username root and password ciitdc#123.
  • Create a new database schema named sencha_con_demo.
  • Extract and Run SQL scripts from SenchaCON-Demo-App/sql/ to create/import tables and data.

App Setup

  • Install Maven and Eclipse.
  • Install Tomcat and set a path variable to it's location as CATALINA_HOME.
  • Import project into Eclipse.
  • To build on a unix based system, deploy.sh can be used if CATALINA_HOME is set correctly.
  • To build on a windows based system, use command mvn clean install to generate the WAR file from project directory and deploy it on tomcat.