
Clotho clone of KOOVS is the one-stop online fashion destination for all your fashion needs. Inspired by the international runways and the global street.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


home page


products page


cart page


admin (user search functionality)


admin (all products crud)


admin (all orders)



  • npm install to install all dependencies
  • npm run server to start the server
  • npm run dev to start the app in development mode

Endpoints for backend


  • GET /api/users to get all users
  • GET /api/users/:id to get a user by id
  • POST /api/users/register to create a new user
  • POST /api/users/login to login a user and get token
  • PATCH /api/users/update/:id to update a user by id
  • DELETE /api/users/delete/:id to delete a user by id


  • GET /api/products/all to get all products
  • GET /api/products/men to get all mens products
  • GET /api/products/women to get all womens products
  • GET /api/products/all/:id to get a product by id
  • POST /api/products/all/create to create a new product
  • PATCH /api/products/all/update/:id to update a product by id
  • DELETE /api/products/all/delete/:id to delete a product by id


  • GET /api/orders only admin can access this route
  • POST /api/orders/create to create a new order Authentication required


  • Authentication required for all cart routes
  • GET /api/cart to get all cart items of user
  • GET /api/cart/admin to get all cart items of all user
  • GET /api/cart/:id to get a cart item by id
  • POST /api/cart/create to create a new cart item
  • PATCH /api/cart/update/:id to update a cart item by id
  • DELETE /api/cart/delete/:id to delete a cart item by id

git commands

  • git clone <url> to clone the repo
  • git branch <branch-name> to create a new branch
  • git checkout <branch-name> to switch to a branch
  • git checkout -b <branch-name> to create a new branch and switch to it
  • git add . to add all files
  • git commit -m "<message>" to commit changes
  • git push origin <branch-name> to push changes to github
  • git pull origin <branch-name> to pull changes from github
  • git branch to list all branches
  • git branch -d <branch-name> to delete a branch
  • git merge <branch-name> to merge a branch to current branch
  • git status to check the status of the repo

Admin login credentials

  • admin@gmail.com Admin Email
  • admin1432 Admin Password